by firebrand • Uploaded: Mar. 29 '09 - Gallerized: Mar. '09
LED lighting developer. Approved and Trademark Registered.
Client work
Lets Discuss
Really Clever Roy!
ReplyWOW RoY, now that is a %22bright%22 idea. This mind blowing awesome. LED%3Dface AND a bulb WO!
ReplyOne of the best .
ReplyThat's cute!
Replyjust genius that is.i can see this in logo design books for years to come
ReplyYeah I can only ASSUME? they said %22no more designs needed%22.. If not that would be the ultimate mistake.
ReplyThis says hello and the mark can be used on their products and signage well.
ReplyGood god, this is genius!
ReplyBOOM! Very clever, Roy!
ReplyBrilliant! Extremely memorable, clever, and brandable. The client better choose this one.
ReplyThe genius strikes again.
ReplyAhem, wow I'm overwhelmed by all the nice comments. Cheers people.
Replyyeah, this is awesome.
Replythis logo kicks ass... awesome use of 'led' type...!
ReplyIf this is an 'early' concept I'm totally 'scared' of the final version Roy! This is it my man, no further adjustments needed! Marvelous! Nice to know you! :)
ReplyGreat work. If your clients isn't sure, forward him the link to this page.
ReplyThis is officially my most favorite logo ever.:-) I keep coming back to it.
ReplyEarly concept...jeez...Roy...dude...this is gold!!!
ReplyWould it be better if it was flipped 180%B0 and the pins were legs?
Replyha this is great roy. you got the symbolism trifecta!
ReplyBravo Roy. 10/10!!
ReplyI absolutely love it. I am a big fan of this type of work. Nice on man.
Replygreat work, Roy
ReplyThank you people! L:D
ReplyNo, no, thank YOU for being around :)
ReplySo subtle yet so obvious :)
ReplyThanks. My client has approved this one and the trade mark application is underway. :D
ReplyHappyend. Don't we all love the sound of it :)
Reply%22I love it when a plan comes together%22
Reply%25brilliant work!%25
ReplyI've been told not to admit these kinds of things, but at first I did not notice the 'LED', then Melissa said, %22WOW%22, look at it sideways. Absolutely stunning and brilliant. Congrats, bud.
Replypure, 100%25, undiluted, genius!
ReplyWell, I saw a happy face with spiked hair and then BOOM...LED wow. that is a good one.**
ReplyOC maybe you should have Melissa start designing your logos %3B-P
ReplyThanks guys. @Ocularink: My daughter looked at this and went 'hmmm'...then looked at Siah's Ed's Electric and said WOW! Kids - gotta love their honesty!
Reply%5E LOL. Well I went %22WOW!%22 when I saw this one. :)
ReplySuuuper,one of the best logo ever
Replythis is one baaad logo %3B-p
ReplyReally creative. Nice, simple. Clear.
ReplyI'm jealous%3B) Very nice solution.
ReplyCheers for the comments :)
Replyprobably the best logo i've seen so far at logopond.
ReplyIm with Mike on this one. One of my faviorite logos i have seen!
Reply@pourio and eziemac. Thank you. :)
Reply@Logomotive Man, she comes up with at least half of my concepts already. :-P**@firebrand Oh kids, aren't they great?!
ReplyMy god, man, stop it Mike!
ReplyRoy, This is my second favorite logo on the site %3D) I'm glad to see they approved it. BRAVO dude.
ReplyThank you Mike, that means a hell of a lot coming from you. I can't tell you how excited the client is about his product and his brand identity. He has big plans for this company. *What's your favourite?
ReplyRoy, to be honest this is probably my favorite logo and you have a few of my favorites, but,for sentimental values, I have one that I just created if that makes sense %3D)
ReplyGreate and frendly logo!
ReplyWow!!! When you watching on this logo and make a moving your head to front and to back the LED is shining! Strange beautiful optical illusion!%0D*%0D*
ReplyGreat logo!%0D*
ReplyWow!!! When you watching on this logo and make a moving your head to front and to back the LED is shining!!! Strange optical illusion :-)
ReplyThanks Petro x4.
ReplyI had to look at it twice to realize it said LED and was a face... kind of like the fedex logo and the arrow. Very clever.
ReplyThanks for your comment, jenniart.
ReplyBest Logo on the Pond, next to mine %3B)
Replyha! this is great
ReplyHaha thanks again, Mike.**@ace cream: Cheers.
ReplyCheers, Michal.
ReplyI already floated this, but just want to say it's one of my favorites.
ReplyCheers, Joe and Jan.
ReplyThanks Omni. Another cameo appearance? %3B)
Replythis is why roy is hot***
ReplyOk. I'm stupid. This is the first time I noticed the LED in the design. I bow down to Roy.
Reply%5E Holy god. You're right.
Reply%5Eyou guys are a little slow.
Reply%5E You know this instance, I accept that.
Reply%5E%5E%5E Ah, Hello? Not too bright are ya, guys? %3B)
Replyraja, cheers bud. **Glen, you can float now then! %3B)*Thanks guys.
ReplyI%B4m not sure why this not have my float I always love it!! Brilliant!!
ReplyThanks Alan!
ReplyCheers devey. :)
ReplyAhem yes. Clients self built temporary site. The last I heard from him his lighting product was in the testing phase and he was aiming to get his product to the far east markets.
ReplyThis logo is logo is SOOO good. On so many levels. I think it's the best on the site.*
ReplyYou're crazy. This logo is terrible! Probably in the top five of worst logos ever.
Reply%5E well I wish I could have terrible logo like this :)
ReplyI'm selling prints of this Mike. What size do you want?
ReplyThanks zu. :)
ReplyVirus alert! Don't click the above link.
Replyamazement truely!
ReplyWOW amazing!
ReplyDavid, While I appreciate that you are under siege with spammers, I fail to see how a report button is going to solve anything.
ReplyI understand that, but the spammers are most active when you're tucked up in bed. So they still get a few hours free advertising. :D
ReplySpam is an excuse to be seen again that the best logos. :P
ReplyHaha, thanks Pierro.
ReplyThat 'no follow' thing to starve them of link juice - you mentioned in the forum - looks promising.
ReplyHoly crap! I only just noticed that the bulb is made from the letters LED.*You %3D genius. Me %3D slow.
ReplyDavid, I think adding Section Report is very good, better not let a poll?! :P
ReplyLOL Steven!
ReplyVery clever. I love this one! Keep up the magnificent work!
ReplyThanks atomicvibe. Wow, linking's back for spammers.
ReplyWow!! , another great one :)
ReplyI saw this logo a while ago and I didnt even feel like commenting... coz its one of those great designs that make you silent in appreciation. But I decided to break the spell this design casted. Great work as usuall!
ReplyThanks Maria and Riz.
ReplyI have seen this on a couple of design based sites before. Pure genious! Well done.
ReplyThis one really can't be bettered. Amazing work.
ReplyFantastic trademark to have registered! Superb :-)
Replytoo good.
Replyit's actually a crying shame that their website looks like absolute garbage. such an amazing logo on a very poorly designed site. %3D (
Reply%5E Agreed, the client did it himself, as a placeholder. He reads this so I hope he takes note. Are you listening, Bruce?
ReplyCheers Simon. :)
ReplyRad!! Damn you're good. It's been a while since I've been on here. Amazing stuff, Roy.
ReplyCheers Ahab, been a long time!
ReplyBrilliant! Literally and figuratively.
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