by firebrand • Uploaded: Nov. 10 '08 - Gallerized: Nov. '08
Logo purchased by a client in Rosario, Argentina.
Client work
Lets Discuss
beauty!... just reeling em in Roy!
ReplyI was hoping it had something to do with fish! Very nice. Good place for tuna?
Replywow Roy, really cool.
ReplyQuality work, as usual.
ReplyWohoo! Now this is something...
ReplyThanks gents.
Reply:D Congrats Roy !
ReplyAnybody remember as a kid getting those little translucent, plastic, red fish out of a gum ball machine that would curl up on your hand because of the heat transfer.......
Replyreally sweet ... LOVELY !!!!!!!!!
ReplyThat's it Glenn, though I was careful to make mine look more like a ribbon. :)*Thanks guys!
Replyawesome work, faved
ReplyMarvelous, Roy! Very good! Just a thought here, did you maybe think about some other color for the letters? Maybe gray is a bit to corporate here, but overall logo is hyperfantastic!
ReplyGood point, Alen. Thanks.
ReplyEasily one of my favorite logos on this site. Nice work.
ReplyCheers, Nadim and Steve :)
ReplyGreat work !
ReplyReally nice Roy, you've officially put the first thought of Christmas into my mind! Don't we sometimes get these in crackers in the UK? I'm sure I used to as a kid anyway. Oh well, this is stunning. Congrats.
ReplyCame back to fave it!
ReplyThanks a lot :)
ReplyWow Roy, that's a classy mark.
ReplyThanks again, Fabian.
Replybrilliant. great work.
ReplyThanks, Brian. Your wine logo is tremendous! :)
Replywow! great
ReplyThanks, nazar.
Replynice one! I love the fish
Reply%3C %0D*...on the front page ASAP!!!? :-)
ReplyRubylith logo...innit?
ReplyOh yeah! :)
ReplyI have got to say that this is simply amazing Roy..
ReplyThanks logotivity and emliam.
ReplyUpdated with custom type.
ReplyGreat update
ReplyBeautiful. Definitely a fave and floated.
ReplyThanks Art and ArtistT :)
ReplyThanks for the floats, guys.
Replyvery inspirational work Roy, as always.
ReplyBeautiful gradient usage and nice flow.
Replylove the type update. I knew the type looked nicer...but i had to scroll up to make sure it had actually been changed. :)
ReplyI am Lovin it....
Replyyeah, me too %3B)
Replyquality - fav
Replylove! love! love!
ReplyAnother sexy one %3B) Love the type treatment. Beautiful work.
ReplyWow, this is marvelous, great for a fusion-type restaurant.
ReplyThanks for all the comments. Much appreciated :)
Replyarghghhh, he does it yet again, excellent work my friend!
ReplyRoy - Great design. I've been trying to contact you via e-mail, however you mailbox looks to be full. Got another address?*
Replynice! now that's one slippery fish! %3B)
ReplyDamn good one here! Nice, very nice. Keep it coming, man!
Reply@andyb. Thanks. info at should be fine now.
ReplyRaja, woah, elmickey, cheers!
Replyas usual, i love it!
ReplyI think you've got enough comments but what the hell! I think its beautiful, really caught my eye.
ReplyThanks for your comments, Damian, TC and Dalius.
ReplyIt%B4s a very interesting and beautifull fish/ribon.*I would like to know more about the concept behind this one, why a fish/ribon?%3D)*
ReplyThanks, Bianca. I got my inspiration from The Fortune Telling Fish found in Christmas crackers but opted to make mine more ribbon like.
ReplyUnfortunately, the colors and the layout made me think to a Spanish brand for cigarets, called... Fortuna. ( )%0D*%0D*But very beautiful, and love the fish shape
ReplyThe colors and layout made me think of this**Roy , was that your inspiration? LOL
ReplyI see where you're coming from with the tail, Mike. No actually, I drew inspiration from this: *
ReplyExcellent logo - One question, where would the warning label go?** %3B)
ReplyThis is one of my favorites. Nice work. the colors are delectable. cool font too.
Replythis is gorgeous!
Reply%5E%5E%5EThanks folks.
Reply%5E ccccc....
Replythis one too - %22
Reply@Art Machine: Thanks for the heads up. 99designs again LOL! *Amanda naughty girl! %3B)
ReplyPoof. All three logos by this creative designer show up as Withdrawn.
Replypoof indeed :)
ReplyI emailed her and told her %22the design community is watching%22.
Replybuhaaahaaahhaaa :) your avatar probably scared a sh**t out of her :)
ReplyLOL Glen, thanks for freaking her out.
ReplyHey, if you need a guy to freak out a woman...I'm him.
Reply@ Climax: Her user name here on the pond is %22amandabent%22.
Reply%5EThere should be some kind of awareness site out there for this sort of thing....**/searches for domain names
ReplyNow this is quality. Excelent!
ReplyThanks mabu :)
Replyalways loved it, just forgot to float it :)
ReplyThanks, Dima. :)
ReplyOne of my favorites :)
ReplyIt is great! But i think that fish mast be gold %3B-)
ReplyFluena, Petro, thanks.
Replyi love this logo
Replyyou guys made me copy and paste so many URL's
ReplyTBH raja, as simple as it may be, I don't use textile in case I screw it up.
Replywhat a fab logo. Uber super stuff Roy, top of your game.
ReplyGreat looking!
ReplyCheers Paul and Davi.
ReplyGreat logo design firebrand :) I like it**Carried in Cruzine:
ReplyЦеCDа 7200 руб. %24250 cheap for such logo:)
ReplyLooks like it was deleted, already. It kinda sucks that people sell these stuff.
ReplyThanks guys. Not many that haven't been ripped now. **Ho hum, onward with the weekend.
ReplyAndrei, the guy who is selling the same logo explains that he has drawn it 3-4 years ago from norwegian book published in 60s-70s, he isn't sure. Sounds like a fairy tale actually:)I've uploaded his work here %3E His profile on free-lance %3E
Reply%5E wow :)
Reply%5E%5EI see three logos from other designers on here he's taken from
ReplyPlease show these logos (three logos), Nash.
ReplyBanana Tour on logopond vs: ***Inventio on logopond vs:***There's one more mark that I've seen before, I'll have to find it.
ReplyThank you for your help, Nash.
ReplyCan anyone translate %22firebrand's going to tear you a new asshole%22 into Russian?
Replyeverything is simple - Andrew Solovyov - it's asshole
ReplyYou know it's good when it gets stolen. Sad way to compliment another's work, but that's the upside I choose to see. Otherwise, it just gets too maddening. I wish it was easier to sue the pants off of designers who steal and aren't in the US.
ReplyI agree
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