glaze v.2

by atomicvibe • Uploaded: Jul. 27 '11 - Gallerized: Jul. '11


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Description: Logo for a trendy, metropolitan bakery that allows customers to glaze and decorate their own unique doughnuts. I wanted this to look really tactile, gooey, and sweet - like you really want to take a bite. Type for "glaze" is custom, and reflects the roundness of a doughnut.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 30708

Lets Discuss

toddfooshee Jul. 27 '11

someone had mentioned on the first version, add some sprinkles. Definitely digging on this though. Looks super tasty.

designtofeel Jul. 27 '11

This type is better. Still wanna see some sprinkles.

nathantrafford Jul. 27 '11

yeah! really like this! The thing about the type i was mostly talking about before was the stacked subtext and how it's lined up with the 'l'. Glad you kept that %3B) **Also on another note, I looked at this just now on one of my monitors where the color calibration is wrong (saturation is too high in warm colors) but MAN it makes the donut look sexy! it literally adds that last 'glaze' to the donut! I wish I could show you what I see! Please please try pumping the pink on the donut! I promise it really does help!**Great work!!

atomicvibe Jul. 27 '11

Glad you guys like the revised type!*@Todd, thanks for checking this out, man! I appreciate the comment.*@Sam, LOL. OK... FOR YOU, I'll try the sprinkled version. Honestly, I started working on it and thought to myself, %22Looks like pubic hair.%22 D: However, I really only gave it 5 mins. and decided to abort. I'm sure with a bit more time, I could get it looking less pubey-like :D*@Nathan, try not to lick your monitor. Eh, what do I care, LICK THAT THANG! I'll try playing around with the pink on this, but I don't want to overdo it. I feel like the pastel colors give the doughnut a nice, glazed sleekness that might be lost by saturating the color too much. I definitely don't want it to look like crazy neon frosting you might see on a kid's birthday cake.

atomicvibe Jul. 27 '11

Thanks for the comment, orca!

ding-dong-design Jul. 27 '11

You got some skills mate :D looks ready to eat to me, I do agree with the sprinkles but I guess this is your take on the doughnut :D. I wouldn't be surprised if this got put in the gallery :D

JF Jul. 27 '11

Pretty type, and in a lot of ways I like it... but %22g%22 looks too close to an %228%22. Also, lowercase %22g%22 doesn't set off the %22ah-ha%22 moment of noticing the G-shaped dough. Great graphic work, though. Hope I don't see this wind up on BS. It's too lovely.

atomicvibe Jul. 27 '11

@Ashley, thank you for the compliment! You too with the sprinkles? Haven't you people ever eaten a glazed doughnut without sprinkles? LOL, OK, OK, that's 3 requests (I think) for sprinkles. I promise I'll give it a go later.*@JF, thanks for your honest crit. I see what you mean about the G/8 similarities. I'll see if there's another way I can salvage the idea of having such an exaggerated descender bowl on the G without it looking too much like an 8. Re: lowercase VS uppercase G, I definitely get what you're saying, but I was thinking the opposite. I feel like an uppercase G is the expected way to establish that relationship, and doesn't allow for any discovery. While it might help those few who look at the doughnut blankly and wonder why its disfigured, I think the switch in case causes more of an A-HA moment, because the viewer hasn't already made that connection. They see the doughnut (hopefully as a doughnut), then they see the name, and then go, %22Oh, it's a G. G for GLAZE.%22 At least I hope that's the psychology involved. I dunno. Maybe I'm hoping for too much.

atomicvibe Jul. 27 '11

Oh, and to address your comment about BS, no way. I tried BS a while ago and got frustrated with the approval process, so I gave up on it. All these logos I'm posting on LP labeled %22Just For Fun%22 truly are just for fun. They're exercises I do in an attempt at staying sharp and developing my skills. I'm constantly thinking of new brands (or ways to improve existing ones), so these hypotheticals are a good way of exploring all those ideas.

JF Jul. 27 '11

Thanks, atomicvibe. I like the lowercase g... so perhaps the way to keep its grace and distinguish it from the appearance of an 8, Is to have the assumed end of the g -- tail, if u will -- curl slightly. Instead of re-connecting with the %22head%22 of the lowercase g, have it curl slightly, not too much, curl inwards like a snail shell or cinnamon bun, but not too much. Just enough so the curl of the dough can fit with it better. And also to prevent the %228%22 look. That might help accentuate an already fabulous graphic. Also...I really like the other type as-is (other version).

atomicvibe Jul. 27 '11

Thanks, JF! Prior to reading your last comment, I took a stab at modifying that G:

atomicvibe Jul. 27 '11

*updated with a modified G*

sbj Jul. 27 '11

this looks perfect now..

cnasshan Jul. 27 '11

I love the highlight on the glace itself. Really brings it to life. Well done atomicvibe.

hitbyreindeer Jul. 27 '11

that's a real tasty design, Jon! great type as well :)

cnasshan Jul. 27 '11

%5E%5EAnd by glace, I meant glaze.

bedemand Jul. 28 '11

Sweet, im hungry now

action Jul. 28 '11

Looks very tasty. I would definitely buy those doughnuts :)

vasvari Jul. 28 '11

Beautiful and clever illustration!

atomicvibe Jul. 28 '11

Oh wow, I just saw that this made the gallery. Thanks for all the wonderful comments and floats, guys! I'm really happy with the way this turned out, especially with the revised type. And yeah, after having looked at this for a few days now, I really want a doughnut (or 12).

Sean Heisler Jul. 28 '11

Looking good, Jon, like that type!

orca design Jul. 28 '11

Glad to see this one in the gallery. Well done mate

atomicvibe Jul. 28 '11

Thanks Sean, Andrew, and orca! I appreciate all the love on this one :)

sbdesign Jul. 28 '11

It's too organic*But type - it's good!

wiking Jul. 28 '11

I think I put on 2 pounds just looking at this. Well done.

vergad Jul. 28 '11

i'm going straight down stairs to buy a coffee and donut. thank you!

Vos Design Jul. 29 '11

I love the type, nice job! I'm not sure the logo will reproduce as well as it could though? It also won't look great grayscale which can be a problem Although it is fictitious so to hell with that, great job!

atomicvibe Jul. 29 '11

Thanks for the comments, guys. Vos, sure, this full-color version may not be the best for reproducing on, say, a fax, but I assure you, I've played around with this logo in 1-color, and it works. You lose some of the extra shading, but the mark is still identifiable as a doughnut/G. But like you said, this is a fictitious logo, so there's no need to obsess over all that.

swigley Jul. 29 '11

Great execution on the illustration of the G lettered Doughnut. Real Tasty.

boldflower Jul. 29 '11

It's delicious! Bravo!

ndmgfx Jul. 31 '11

the z letter is nice and now am craving doughnuts*

atomicvibe Jul. 31 '11

Thanks for checking this out, guys! I appreciate all your kind words and floats. And yes, I've been craving a big fat doughnut, too. I had a few bites of cake last night, but it just wasn't the same. There's just something sinfully delicious about sugary, sticky, sweet, glazed, fried dough.

pjmaster Aug. 02 '11

Jon, where are the cops? Nice doughnut :)

Bernd Aug. 02 '11

great great illustration, concep, execution ... flow !

atomicvibe Aug. 02 '11

@Jovan, LOL! I think a cop would impregnate his trousers from looking at this thing.*@Bernd, thanks for the nice words, my man!*Cheers to all viewers and swimmers. I'm really feeling the love, guys!

Freelance grafiker Aug. 11 '11

You just made me hungry :)

atomicvibe Aug. 12 '11

%5ELOL. How do you think I felt while creating this? I felt like Homer Simpson, having some sort of doughnut withdrawal symptoms.

atomicvibe Sep. 14 '11

Recent news for my lil' glaze logo:**- Slated to be published in the upcoming book, 'Logonest 02,' January 2012.**- Received Logo of the Month, August 2011 over at The Logo Mix:***- And finally, it has recently been purchased! I can't yet reveal anything about the company, but you can check the final client spec sheet on my Flickr page, which details all the various %22flavors%22:*

nathantrafford Sep. 14 '11

badass man! congrats on the sale! hopefully you get free donuts for life?

atomicvibe Sep. 14 '11

Thanks, Nathan! Unfortunately, there will be no free doughnuts in my future. The company that bought it is tech-related. That's all I can say!

nathantrafford Sep. 14 '11

cool!*sounds interesting

Urbane+ Sep. 21 '11

Really nice illustrative logo. Love it.

chkn Sep. 21 '11

God damn, this is beautiful.

atomicvibe Sep. 22 '11

Thanks for the compliments and floats, Louis and Chris!

atomicvibe Oct. 06 '11

Hey guys, check out my glaze logo interview over at Logogala, which will give some insight into the creation of this:**

NTNRML Nov. 23 '11

Someone needs to open shop and use this. It destroys.

karmakazi Nov. 30 '11

nice, man. delicious!

atomicvibe Jan. 06 '12

Thanks, Ryan %26 Steve! I appreciate the feedback. Sorry for the t%FCrbo-late response.

emesghali Jan. 09 '12

this logo is so good i want this place to exist so it can be used.

atomicvibe Jan. 19 '12

Thanks, Ehsaan. Actually, it *is* in use, just not for a bakery. A mobile/desktop back-end app hosting/framework start-up bought it several months ago:

camisa15 Feb. 21 '12

congratulations for your award in Brands of the world.

atomicvibe Feb. 25 '12

Thanks, Rick! I still can't believe I won!

SoneTwo Feb. 25 '12

great design ! i love how the doughnut forms a 'G' and the highlights and shadows on the pink what makes it seem even more real !

atomicvibe Feb. 26 '12

Thanks for checking this out, Yannick!

vergad Apr. 28 '12

BOOYA! you reached a tonne! well done fella. just realised i hadn't floated this bad boy. here's to 101

Atomicvibe May. 02 '12

You rock, Matt! Thanks for the float, bud.

garychew1984 May. 02 '12

Hey, Jon, thanks for gerat help!!! Your work always inspiring!

Atomicvibe May. 02 '12

You bet, Gary. Thanks for the kind words. I am a fan of your work, as well. Did you arrive at a solution to your recent design conundrum?

nydesign Aug. 02 '12

Nice execution using little effects to show that slurpy, drooly donut :D

Atomicvibe Aug. 03 '12

Hey man, thanks for checking this out!

Atomicvibe Aug. 03 '12

Thanks for the kind words, Thierry!

rbhogal Aug. 09 '12

really clever and well executed.

atomicvibe Aug. 09 '12

Thanks again for the love, Rahul!

caion Jul. 11 '13

Great tipography

costastse Aug. 27 '13

this is great,i am from greece and i open a donut shop how can i use it?

jppv Nov. 06 '15

By far my favorite logo you've created Jon! Simply amazing, I want a donut now, with pink frosting. LOVE IT!


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