by NEXQUNYX • Uploaded: Oct. 01 '08 - Gallerized: Oct. '08
Developed monogram using piano keys. This logo was created for a piano service shop.
Client work
Lets Discuss
Ooohhh... I like this one!
ReplyStill very nice
ReplyWow. Really love it!
Replywonderful job
ReplyClever! Thumb up!
ReplyFantastic mark.
ReplyIncredibly awesome! Gotta love it when a concept comes together like this one... bravo!
Replyvery-very clever and nice!*well done!
ReplyGreat monogram. Thanks for sharing with us.
Replythis is perfect :)
Replyawesome .... pure eye candy
ReplyWow...very clever! This is the sort of simple excellence that inspires me.
ReplyVerdaderamente Brillante! :)
ReplyLet me join the bandwagon! Really excellent solution!
ReplyFantastic mark.
Replywow, amazing, great job
Replyseen your first logos posted i can say you are really making progress. good job!
ReplyA great. Well done mate :)
ReplySo clever, I love it! Great job!
ReplyBig Time Jealous! WIDI classic!
ReplyAn obvious solution with a clever execution!
ReplyVery cool. Well done.
Replychefs special!
Replysexy time. lovely
ReplyWell done man! %0D*%0D*Do you believe that I have very similar (but different enough - I think) logo on my HD made before 4-5 years for one music company ?!?!?!? ( I must find some time to upload that %3E %0D*%0D*IDEAS flying around :)
Reply@Maumer, so funny you mentioned that. 1 week ago a logo project crossed my desk titled %22Music Wife%22 where the client had actually drawn a sketch of this exact concept except the keys where reversed MW. When I saw this it blew me away and THAT is why I am jealous. Patrick this is a classic and you executed the mark beautifully. Well done.
Replywell done. I don't have anything else to say.
ReplyFreaking good Buddy!
ReplyGood Job I love it!
ReplyThis logo is really great. It's one of those brilliant ideas that is so simple you are surprised hasn't been snatched up yet.
ReplyAwesome on many, many levels!!
ReplyThank you everyone! Your feedback is very much appreciated:)
Replywhy all the floats? as this concept has been done several times just search website and see... Logo done by these design firms ( Emmi Salonen, TheBeehiveCo.nsulting, MacLaren McCann Calgary, %26 La Visual) it is nice looking but lets see some logos that are not too similar to others please.
Reply@ the critic: Thanks for your feedback. You know what? This concept came to me while I was actually drawing out ideas with a pencil and paper. I have never (EVER) seen a similar logo in my life. Perhpas there are similar ones out there. So what's your point? I came up with this concept on my own without any outside (websites, books, etc) influences. So as far as I am concerned- it is all 100%25 original. For someone who has absolutely no formal training is graphic design and no training in AI and other design programs, I guess I'm doing alright. Cheers mate!
ReplyI am a beginner graphic design artist who is having trouble designing a logo. I have seen your work and find it very influential. I want to design a logo for myself but I'm having trouble coming up with any ideas. I would greatly appreciate your advice.
ReplyTo The Critic:*I have all four LogoLounge books, and I don't recall seeing anything resembling this logo. I clicked on it because it caught my eye, and I thought it was a great solution. The tone of your post smacks of arrogance and a general lack of tact.*Every logo I see on this site resembles logos I've seen elsewhere. Every logo I've done resembles someone else's work, somewhere, somehow. It's the nature of the beast.*Perhaps before you start lecturing others on their similarities to other's work, you should rethink your own avatar with the %22speak bubble%22.
Reply@ critic:**You mean something original like maybe...oh...a speech bubble?
ReplyHey, we ALL have speech bubble logos in our portfolio. %3Bo)**That said, I think the critic is just doing is best at trolling the comments. %3Bo)
Replyyou may say what you like but all of you think, do, and/or post on other logos that it is similar to others, etc... so don't be a bunch of Hypocrites.
Replytry getting a subscription to LogoLounge so you may do simple searches.... search %22Piano%22 and you'll see.
Reply@The Critic,**I know what logos you are referring to. And sure, the concept of designing letters out of piano keys for a company that is related to pianos is not necessarily new, but it certainly does not take away from the fact that the concept is still clever and beautiful in its simplicity. Besides,the concept itself is not why this logo is getting so many floats. nexqunyx executed the concept very well here for this particular client. a concept does not have to be the %22only one of its kind%22 to be good.**@nexqunyx, did you submit this to LogoLounge yet? it would undoubtedly get chosen for one of the books. And when it does, the next time someone posts a 'piano letter' design, The Critic can comment and include you in with the other designs firms that he listed. %3B)
ReplyGreat Logo. Yes, there are similar concepts but you have composed this one well.
Replyno comments needed, just great work!
Replygreat one
Replylove it very much
ReplyThis is pure brilliance.
ReplyWow! This is your best work by far! To be honest, when you look at all your logos here, this one doesn't fit in. And by that I mean this one is just brilliant. %3B)
Replyclever idea %26 nice font
Replyweel done. the best relation possible between the piano concept and the %22WM%22
ReplyThank you all for your feedback:)
ReplyWooW.*Very nice!
Replyeither way it's just great!
ReplyThat's beautiful!
Replythank you:)
ReplyI was browsing through the gallery a bit... Stumbled across this one again... And got me thinking here, at first I was like, wow man, 93 votes, that's really something. Logo went in top 10 floated of all times! That's great, congrats! But then again, this site has 15,303 members, and ONLY 93 (of us) voted for it? ONLY 93 votes? Trying to find the reason, but help me out here please... Why?
ReplyVery odd indeed.%0D*Far out...I'm working towards the day I can come up with a cracker of a design.
Reply%3E Why?**Keep in mind that 15303 is a grand total of everyone _ever registered_. The deadwood can easily account for over 90%25 (ninety) of the total. Then not everyone who's active is logged in all the time. Then among those who's logged in, not everyone votes. That's your typical social community site %22funnel%22. Lot's of registered, some lurkers, few actives, very few engaged. Nothing out of ordinary.
Replynow %3Ci%3E*that*%3C/i%3E would be a cracker.
ReplyThanks everyone for all the compliments. Means a lot to me:) Unfortunately this company was dealing with another designer and chose theirs over mine. %0D*%0D*This is what they prefered: %3Ca href%3D%22 Music logo%3C/a%3E%0D*%0D*I don't know what to say%3B I'm shocked. Oh well, I guess I will be keeping this concept in my logo vault and wait to see if I get another client with the same business and the same initials:) LOL
ReplyNo comment... Shocked 2! :(
ReplyI personally like the logo, however I can see why they chose the other over yours. Although what your logo %22says%22 it says well, it unfortunately says something different to the logo they chose. Yours says %22modern%22 and strips away any tradition that is often associated with pianos - in fact the first thing I thought when I saw the logo was of piano keyboards. The logo they chose although not pretty, makes it very clear what they do, and that's what a good logo should do.**
ReplyHey it's all good! I'm over it:) I still think my interpretation is far superior than the one they chose. I spoke to the owner of Wiesinger today and he said the decision was made by his wife and kids (under 12 years of age). The youngsters said they really liked the grand piano image. The client said if he had his way, he would have chosen mine.%0D*%0D*Yeah...right.
Replyi love this one
Replyreally clever *simple and nice
Reply%3Cp%3EThank you %3Ci%3E%3Cb%3ETKhoury%3C/b%3E %3C/i%3Eand %3Cb%3E%3Ci%3Edeepside%3C/i%3E%3C/b%3E.%26nbsp%3B %3C/p%3E
Replyabsolutely beautiful concept and execution. WELL DONE.
ReplyJust wonderful! I want to play it :D
ReplyCan this logo only be used with a dark background? if used on a light (or white) background, will the white piano keys be black instead? Or did you plan to add a border around the letters to preserve the correct key colors?
ReplyFollow-up: I know it's all academic now because the company chose another logo design, but I am still curious about how you saw this logo being used in different environments. As it is, though, I do think this design is very clever. Thanks.
Reply%5E the mark could be placed on a black rectangle and type reversed out, pretty simple.
Replyi love it! but the m is strange.. i dont know why.. i dont like how it's lower case.
ReplyThat's a good idea!
Replyvery nice...
Replyso perfect! great
ReplyWow! *A
Replythis mark is so sexy
Replyand yea, i agree with fauxpeanut. i would def consider trying it in uppercase
Replythe best logo on LogoPond! :)
ReplyVery cool.
ReplyThis design deserves a standing ovation!
Replythis logo is simply great. i would would even go as far to say that it is totally in tune!!
ReplyExcellent work
ReplyThis is great. It's nice looking, it's smart.
ReplyThis is serious.
ReplySuper clever solution.
ReplySUPERB dude :) I love to play the piano, and this logo made me love it more :) great job %3B)
Replythis is the most comments i've seen on logopond! this is ingenius.
ReplyMight as well chime in. Awesome!
ReplyYeah, ok - I'll join in ... This is truly awesome.
ReplyPerfect logo!!!!!!
Reply*Thank you!*
ReplyLike it very much, idea is good, but the type is a little bit hard to reed. cool anyway
Replyi like it a lot, well done
ReplyHeads up--**
ReplyIt looks like logobliss mis-attributed the rip. They appear to have pulled the logo off imjustcreative blog and assumed it was done by its owner (who has an %22LP account%22:
ReplyGood luck getting Graham to own up to it, though maybe he has because it's not on his site anymore.
Reply%5Eand was not up loaded to his folio here either. Actually his best work IMO yet...not?
ReplyStill on his Flickr, though.
ReplyTwitter him, that'll get a response.
ReplyI just hate people thinking they can just use an idea and slightly tweak it and call it their own.
Reply@lundeja - ha, you are right, it _is_ in his Flickr stream
ReplyWHOA! I haven't been around here much...what the heck is going on?!!!
ReplyDavid said he would probably remove it. Still though...
ReplyWicked! Looks fantastic.
Replyah this is perfect mark
ReplyI already floated, but just want to say that this is one of my favorites. Nice work buddy!
Replyyes, fantastic idea... a work with a great idea not just graghic designed.
ReplyMagic! Love it!
Reply@logotistical, JoePrince, federicohuscher, flatsigns- THANKS!
ReplyBeautiful idea, the piano keys work perfectly as letters.
ReplyI love this. its so simple and perfect.
ReplyVery nice logo. I like it very much. *It's so clever. Nice work.
ReplyIt's cool!
ReplyGreat idea!
ReplySaw something similar with wine bottle, but great concept and execution. Perhaps a little more space between the keys?
ReplyNice concept...Simple and to the point. Like every logo should be. Good job.
ReplyDude... this F* (sorry) just copy both our work****He did also copy others designs here from logopond
Reply%5E Wow, this guy seems to have more of our designs... :/
ReplyI hate so much this copy/paste thing
Reply90%25 of those logos are copied... so sad.
ReplyPro logo, what can i say.
ReplyVery Creative! I like it.
ReplyMagnificient work!
Replynice! i like it a lot
Reply%5E%5E Please don't bookmark it.
Reply%5E This may be the piano key logo that inspired most or all of the others.
ReplyClean, very nice!
ReplyExcellent icon and typography
Replythe icon could not have been more perfect. it's so perfect i felt the need to register and tell you it's perfect. very well done.
ReplyI love your piano logo, Nice work!!
ReplyFound an almost exact duplicate copy of this logo. How can I reach you?
ReplyYour logo is awesome. Great concept!
Reply%5Ebest monologue so far!
ReplyI really like the idea of W and M in a logo together :)*Great Job!
ReplyGreat design with the keyboard creating the main lettering.
ReplyLove it!*Just enough width between the two letters to differentiate, but not enough to break up the idea that it's one keyboard.**The idea seems simple when you see it, but they're always the best!
Replyyep brilliant work !!
Replyamazing, i love this logo
ReplyLovely design mate! Just wondering, are you a part of this company, thus sharing your work in their portfolio, or did they copy your work? If so you should report them.
Very cool design
ReplyAnyone know how to get in touch with NEXQUNYX ? There is a logo of his I am interested in. Kind Regards
ReplyI absolutely love this! I was doing some research for a project and found a ton of submissions that have been trying to copy your work.
ReplyI've seen this before in my 1990 Casio keyboard.
how is this possible?
Interesting.. but it can happen.
ReplyOne of the best logos ever ! great job.
Replydid you post that on TalentClipper ?
Thanks for this review more
ReplyCreative mind!
ReplyVery clever work!
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