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Warren Benedetto

I attended Cornell University, earning a Bachelor's degree in Evolution And Human Behavior. I didn't minor in anything, but if I had, it probably would have been something equally useless.

After graduation, I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in being famous. Upon my arrival, I was informed that there were already enough famous people, and my services would not be needed.

Never one to be deterred, I enrolled in USC and earned a Master's degree in TV/Film Writing. "Now can I be famous?" I asked. "No, sorry," Los Angeles said. "But you can be unemployed, if you'd like."

Equipped with $200,000 in debt and zero marketable skills, I taught myself graphic design, HTML/CSS/JS, AS2/AS3, PHP/MySQL, AJAX, and a bunch of other acronyms. Then I somehow managed to convince some people that I actually know what all those letters mean.

Luckily for me, most companies' looking for a web developer want someone who is unusually handsome, athletic, and charming. When they can't find anybody like that, they hire me instead.

I now invest the bulk of my time running Transfusion Media, my Los Angeles based creative studio specializing in graphic design, PHP/MySQL programming and Flash development for Facebook apps, Flash widgets, websites, and Rich Internet Applications.

I haven't had any spare time since 1994, but if I did, I would spend it writing screenplays, playing professional basketball, becoming the next great white rapper, and napping.


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