by Siah-Design • Uploaded: Dec. 09 '08
proposal for local electrical company...
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
It's a great concept
Replyyes, excellent concept!
ReplyThis is fantastic but have you looked around to see if there are any similar designs out there? I would be surprised if there weren't any. But I would also be surprised if they are executed near as well as yours. Great job.
ReplyVery cool use of negative space. Very simple and clean looking too. Floated.**THEArtisT has a point though - I'd check for dupes.
ReplyThanks reddskinn, jsae and ArtistT!**@Artistt: no, I haven't checked for similar designs yet. Their may be similar ideas out there, but using it to make a monogram of E.D. may be a little more unique... At least I hope so :)
ReplyWell if it hasn't been done before, kudos to you. Well executed.
Replywell done!
Replynicely done
ReplyFloater fer sure. Top notch.
Replynegative space doesnt get any more perfect than this**
ReplyGreat stuff.
ReplyGood work, Siah!
Replynice, same concept as my logo for Havan Electrical :)
Replyvery nice. ticks all the boxes for great design!
Replypretty cool design
ReplyWow, perfect concept!
ReplyDude, spot-on graphic. Nice work. Fav'd.
ReplyThanks ArtMachine, Firebrand,Sebastiany, Matheus, Joder, Oronez,Indiview,Lawrence, Alen, Janzabransky, Gareth,Waggit, Spasquini, Canhur, Coraud, LevelB, Sdijock! Really appreciate it! :)
Replyvery good concept!%0D*congratulations
Replyawesome job josiah, perfectly done
Replyveeeery nice idea, congrats, regards
ReplyWell done, Siah! :)
ReplyThanks Brandcore, Sean, Nick, Danijr and Muamer! Ya'll rock! %3B)
ReplyVery Nice Man, congratulations.
ReplySOO GOOD! didnt even see the 'D'.
ReplyWell done...kudos.
ReplyBrilliant, I absolutely love this!
ReplyClever! Nice use of negative space.
Reply@teight,cristiano, dotd420, b3nder,rudy, dpdzyne and mars:**Once again, really appreciate all the positive comments!
Replynice one.. The negative space speaks a lot.
ReplyWahoo!! Logomotive called me a jerk! %3B)**Thanks, too, Rambal :)
Replytruly nice work bro, clapping!!!****CHEERS
Replyi just wanted to offer my congrats too siah-design, really nice, clean logo!:)
ReplyNicely done! It took me a second to see the %22E%22 and now it's all I see. :-)
ReplyLove this. Well done!
Replyvery creative and simple!
ReplyLOL @Kevin. mavric, Gyui, are_p, jen and karbanovich: Thanks everyone %3B) Muchly appreciated. Logopond is such a great place... :)*
Replybold, great!
ReplyThe town of Ed, Ed's electric.. haha.. Nice job siah, jerk!
ReplyGood job!!
ReplyGreat job
ReplyKudos to jasoncho, logotivity, karimix and sanjay patil for the kind words. Thanks boys!
Replythat's the spirit !
ReplyA eso llamo yo un un logo! Bien Hecho!
ReplyWow. This is pretty much perfect.
Replysimply clever, love it!
Replyde putamadre
Reply@Kwaku, dado, rfrusso, scala_humana and Houston: Once again thanks everyone! Really grateful the concept popped into my head... :)
ReplyAnd thanks Keoshi, too! :)
ReplyVery Brilliant and all that Josiah
ReplyThanks cerise! :)
ReplyBrrrrrrrrrrrrilliant, I'm shocked by simplicity and the idea.**Thanks.
Replylook for the logo of the new E-MINI couper... **almost it's very cool
ReplyThat's unfortunate.**
ReplyI was wondering if there was a similar concept out there... I think they are different enough though.
Replyit es a very beatiful %22logo%22 excelent
ReplyGreat idea!!!
Replyi love this. great idea!
ReplyI think you did a good execution, but the logo was created for %22ED Milan%22 by famous designer Gianni Bortolotti.**
Reply@kitchen Interesting. Never saw that one before. They are fairly different looking - but it is the same concept. It's a big world....
Replyjust excellent!
ReplyExcellent!*Added to favorites.
Replylove the logo, but cmon, you never saw before? ya right :D
ReplyThat is the first time I have seen that...I've been doing this for 15 year ...sometimes with designs such as these the simpleness of the design is also a designers curse...bugger it's been done before:D
ReplyClimaxDesigns is absolutely right. When I went to college for commercial design, our instructor had an ego the size of DC. We only saw his work the whole time. I also went to school back in the 80s when commercial art being taught was new so there weren't a lot of books available (we used none) for instructors to access. I was never taught trends or styles and we only had SuperPaint and FreeHand to design in. The instructor would give you an entity name and you came up with something. If the instructor like it you got a good grade, if not you got a bad grade. You hoped your instructor had a good imagination and liked you. Until I started reading the Graphic Designer newsletter a couple of years ago, I had never heard of any 'famous' designers before.
ReplyThanks for the support David, Jon, Fabian and Trish - appreciate it. **Indeed, (as stated before) I had not seen that logo before either. I'm finding out how the big the world really is... kinda depressing... :)**@Fabian: So true. Striving for simple logos can have it's drawbacks...**The concept is the same but I think there is enough difference between the two to keep it for another company, no? **I don't think the Ed Milana logo had anything to do with an electric outlet - I'm pretty sure that was just a simple monogram.
ReplyCheck it out to be sure. I agree that if the industries are not related and they are used in different locations/countries, you should be good.
Replythis is freakin' brilliant!
ReplyThanks Paul!
ReplyI like how much more visable the E is in yours :)
ReplyI'm late on this topic....*for starters it took me 1 google search to find the other logo so I find it hard to believe for one minute that Siah did not see this logo before. With that said...*When I look at both logos side-by-side I feel that the same designer did both. The over-all concepts are the same. 1 is more clever then the other. The ED – Elettro Domestici version is the more clever one. It feels that this logo shown here was a earlier version of the other logo. Unless Siah came out with his concept first I don't buy into that he never seen this before.**ok lets play pretend for a minute for the sake of discussion on Siah's logo. *I think it's distracting to have both plugs on each side. I feel that it could of been simplified and to me it doesn't read %22ED%22 it reads %22E%22 and if i were to take the plug to be %22D%22 then it would read as %22DED%22 **I think the Elettro Domestici logo concept much nicer and clever as well as brilliant. **Sorry.**Tom
Reply%3E I don't buy into that he never seen this before.**In other words he is lying. Just say it as is. Damn the niceties. Go for the balls.
ReplyEpsilon--*Maybe he didn't in fact see it. I still find that hard to believe since the first thing i would of done in the beginning is do a Google search on the name to see if anyone else there did a %22ED%22 or %22ED ELECTRIC%22 logo. Why? Hmm it's called researching and at least to find out what others in the same space have done? Could i be wrong? YES! Could I be right? YES! Look at both side-by-side they look like the same person did both. Just one is better then the other in MY OPINION. %3B)**
Replytomokeefe, I designed a pretty complicated logo the other day. now I did do the research and unfortunately found an almost exact version already out there. I can tell you, for sure, there was absolutely no way I could have seen that other logo (a Japanese Military logo of all things). Yet I practically designed an exact replica. And that is not he only time that has happened with me. I designed a logo for a construction company and did a quick search through the trademark site and found the exact same concept (not as well executed) used by a spa in the same damn town. **This is a very simple concept and design. I stated above I would have been surprised if the idea hadn't already been designed. I would bet there are more than what you can find through a simple internet search, actually. Yes, Siah should have done some research before presenting this logo, but you are deliberately being divisive by accusing Siah of knowingly copying anyone else's design. This kind of thing happens all the time and it will happen to you if it hasn't already.
ReplyThanks for the support, Trish. Appreciate it.**I had no idea the other logo existed until after I had done this one. I should have done more extensive research but blast, the world is BIG.**The client never used this logo so in fact it is currently NOT in use. I always strive for original work and I think. When someone showed me the other concept I was shocked. I do agree with Tom Okeefe that his version is probably better as it is more simplistic.**Tom, please give me a break though - I honestly had never seen that other logo before.
ReplySiah, dont'%3B bother with this guy. Save your breath for your band my man.
Replyok Siah--*If you never seen it before then fine. done. **Logomotive...zipit. **theartistt--*%22deliberately being divisive by accusing Siah of knowingly copying anyone else's design.%22*-What I said was that i find it hard to believe since it took me seconds to find it when I searched the name. I also stated that I could be wrong. **So without sounding like a big mean jerk I have very strong opinions about stuff like this. I'm not new to the game I'm going on about 16yrs and when I see something like this I do get pretty annoyed. **Also you will be surprised what could of happen if both companies ran with the logo. Oh the legal battles is something you would never want to have to deal with. the money, stress, and time it will take to end the legal horror it could bring. **Your right sometime designers come up with something that someone else did without any knowledge of either. I understand that. All I pointed out is that I searched for the name and found that logo before Siah's logo and within the first couple of results. It was that simple. That's all. So in MY OPINION I found it hard to believe that I was the only person that found it and or thought this.**for the record I CAN BE WRONG! **:) How's that? better? Cool. Done.**--Tom
ReplyNice union of symbol and initial.
ReplyTom, it's cool. I accused a Logopond member of a rip once and to my embarrassment found he had been ripped, not the other way around. I'm just a bit more careful about such things now. I mean the community here at Logopond is pretty tight. Speaking of research, for example, reading some posts around Logopond would have made that obvious. And the question of this, Siah's, design and the other one had already been discussed in this thread. That is why it appeared to me (and others) that the way you phrased your initial post was deliberately divisive.**And for the record, several of us have been in the business longer than you have. Logomotive Mike for one. And I would have to say Mike knows just a little bit about being ripped off. Read around and you will see.
Replytheartistt --*I would HOPE people have been in the business longer then me. I didn't say that thinking or assuming that I have been in the business longer then everyone on this site. LOL!!!!!**I know this topic was discussed regarding the other logo. Right above in this thread it was mentioned. If %22YOU%22 read the first few words on my comment it should of made it clear that %22I'm late on this topic....%22**Also I speak from experience as well... The legal battles can be pretty intense.**Like i said if he never seen the other logo until someone brought it to his attention on this site, then fine. He never found it and everyone else did. Ok I get it. That's cool. **It's Dropped. *****
ReplyLookie, lookie .. just bumped into %22Electrical Digest logo%22: while flipping through LogoLounge 2 book. So is it an egg and Elettro Domestici is a chicken or is it the other way around ?
ReplyThe hegative space on your logo is more pronounced. Very clever and simple. Great work.%0D*%0D*... and as you said: the world is so small sometimes...%0D*%0D*regards, zoli
Replysorry but have already seen this b4.%0D*%0D**%0D*
ReplyHey David... I personally felt it was different enough but I respect your administration. **Note: As I stated earlier on this thread I wasn't aware of elettro domestici logo till after I posted it here. Cheers
ReplyWow. Apparently I'm on my A game today.**Unfortunately I'm not sure how to leave a message, or I would already.
ReplyI messaged him back in March. His response to me was not so nice. Every other word was a swear word.
ReplyYup, I messaged him too and got the same response.
ReplyStill love this one Josiah!
ReplyGreat logo! Negative space is amazing.*
ReplyWow! thats perfect!
Reply** i just found this on a italian site! has the world gets more globalized our ideas become common, yours make more sense because it has a double meaning beeing a word and at the same time an eletric plug
Reply%5E That has been posted in this comment thread about 60 times now. I think he's aware of it at this point.
Replysorry i thought i was giving news %3D)
ReplyWau! This is genious!
ReplyWOW! I was staring at it for at least a minute trying to find the %22genius%22 about it, then it hit me like a freight train! Looks great!
Replyawesome use of black %26 white :)
ReplyFantastic !
Replythis is hot!*great concept man!*your a good designer!
ReplyI like the way you made the really unique bro..NICE!
Replyreally like it, but it looks a bit old to me, maybe a bit of color?
ReplyBrilliant - stunning!
Reply*just design this also??*chk out full post**ed logo by Gianni Bortolotti. i see lot of similarities may be other guys is wrong bt want to bring this in to knowledge..
Replygosh, sometime i really wonder who is the Original owner of the same idea logo.
ReplyGreat logo man. well done!
ReplyWowwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job
ReplyWas this not in the gallery, JJ? I love it.
ReplyAmazing concept
ReplyGreat job!
Replyreally nice work mate, congrats
Reply... yea sparkle and lensflare effect and it will be perfect %3B-)
Replyi'm a sucker for positive and negative play. i like it a lot.
ReplyWow!! the 'E' is in logo
Replylol i just opened this cuz i knew there'd be a big discussion XD
Reply@mariabohner I thought it was weird why there's such buzz over this. Now that you mentioned, I just spot the E.
ReplyI understand logo's secret after looking 5 seconds. Really good :)
Replywhat a clever logo! very well thought out...
Replyvery strong solution logo
Replyamazing, clever
ReplyWow, so many views and floats yet not featured. Fantastic concept very strong!
ReplyGreat great great!
ReplyVery clever!
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