by Muamer • Uploaded: Oct. 07 '08 - Gallerized: May. '09
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Pretty sweet.
ReplyI like it!
ReplyLife is a highway. And I want to ride it all night long.
ReplyYou sing a little flat there rascal.
ReplyYou're crazy! I have perfect pitch. Haha!
ReplyFinally my man, finally! Great job! :)
ReplyThanks: Gthobbs, Cruse88, Oc %26 Type08... :) HIGHROAD!
Replythere is a logo like this one in the marks of excellence book, but to be honest i love yours more. but great minds think alike.**happened to me twice before :)
ReplyHey Nadim thank you! But, I really don't know nothing about that logo %3E Can you show me that logo, somehow %3E e-mail or something? Thanks :)
Replyi'll try my best to send it to you but you don't have to worry about it, i think your showcase presents really good and original work.
Replythis is just too much, i cant stop looking at it
ReplyGreat idea! it seems really familiar. I think there are similar ideas/perspectives of this kind of raod but i haven't seen this before.
ReplyNdmgfx, ching!, hindmareshdesign %3E Thank you all! :D
ReplyThere will be lots of H%B4s I will see on the road after I remember this ... great job!
Replylol :D %3E Thanks, Janzabransky :)
Replynow this is perfect. *what a great concept.
ReplySuper clever!
Replyanother perfect concept. bravo!
ReplyGreat my friend!
Reply%3C Thanks!!! :-)
ReplyHappy to see it on frontpage. I love this logo.
Replyi got stunned!!
ReplyThis maybe the logo some of you are thinking of? Its a similar concept...****I wouldn't say that its a rip off though, as the road perspective is used in a 'H' (here) rather than an 'A'
Replythis is a similar concept, you are right, but your execution is superior, in my opinion. no real competition to my mind.
ReplySweet idea, perspective always grabs attention, awesome work!
ReplyYeah, thought I had already commented. I love strong concepts/marks and this is one of those.
Replyas usual excellent stuff!
ReplyI agree with theartist. They had a great concept, but you executed it better. Sweeeeeet.
ReplyI see that logo here in the UK nearly every day but I always think of this one when I see it. Nie work Muamer
ReplyWhat kind of high are you referring to? Nice one.
Replyeh, sve vreme me je nesto mucilo oko ovog koncepta, neki deja vu :) tek danas sam provalio izvor :) Srkijev logo iz 2003:
ReplyThanks for the feedback, people. (yep there are many similar %22road%22 logo concepts out there, road/highway sings also...*@ Bojan: da, vrlo slicno razmisljanje ali eto drugacija ralizacija :))) Ovaj koncept/ideja se takodje desila vrlo davno a potekla je odavde: *Thnx :)
Replynice! but it is actually older..**
ReplyWe have nice collections of the road logos here :))) @shvahte: Older then this: **Thanks*
Replyvery nice! i read this right away!
Replywhat a fascintaing piece...
Replyadams trucking had a similar logo in the 80's that *made an %22A%22.*nice job.
Replylike it.
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