by VikkiV • Uploaded: Jun. 25 '09 - Gallerized: Jun. '09
UPDATE 03 (without circles, corners roundet)
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
Very nice concept, although the kearning needs work
ReplyUpsss...i forgot the kearnig adjustment :-D*Thanks dsauna
ReplyI like the changes VikkiV, very nice job! :)
ReplyThanks gyui and ocularInk for good support.*That was nice work with you:-D*
Replylove it! is this coming up on Brandstack?
ReplyYES!!! John, this coming up on Brandstack:-D
ReplyBrilliant concept and work. Great job Vikki!
ReplyWell thought off, the grey rim and the gradients can be done away with too. I believe this will add more impact on the logo. Type???
Replyvery nice concept..not sure about the gradients and the gray rim too
ReplyCould someone explain it to me? I don't see anything other than a film reel with a chunk taken out (for no reason?)
ReplyThe execution still needs some work. For instance, rounding off the pointy ends of the paint palette will help. Also, the gradients and the gray outlines aren't working. Glad to see this in the gallery though, cause it is a great concept.
Replythe corners are much better now, and it is cleaner. nice job!
ReplyClever buddy!
Replymuch better now:)
ReplyI like this one the best. Nice work Vikki!
Replymuch much better now, grats its in the gallery now
ReplyHey VikkiV, just an fyi:**
Reply...hmm very suspect :-)
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