by s7even • Uploaded: Jun. 29 '07
Mark for an upcoming UK based snowboard clothing brand.
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It has a nice feel to it,but can I ask what does it represent?**
Replycool! brilliant icon... very memorable! you got some nice work on your showcase steven (yes all 3 lol) looking forward to seeing more from you man... good work!
ReplyThats great! Simple, memorable and recent.
Replycheers.. appreciate the comments.*hmmm.. what does it represent?... excellent (and difficult) question. The objective with this mark was to establish an attention grabbing logo/platform from which to launch a snowboard clothing label. I didn't really want it to %22represent%22 anything too specific to keep the appeal as broad as possible. But in terms of feel - fresh, fun, cool, possibly cheeky, but not cheesy were on the list. I was conscious that the label will likely produce a diverse range of styles and products to cater to the whims of fashion and didn't want the logo to limit options going forward. So I guess it is intentionally ambiguous.
Reply...and it works champ.*hey do you have a portfolio? as im lovin your clean refreshing style and need more of a fix%3B)
ReplyHang and s7even the same person?
Replyyeah... the one and only :)
ReplySweet,**i love the concept **the word's meaning being the simplist form of 'attention grabbing', **and the speech bubble being graphically 'attention grabbing also', i hope you intend to attract alot of attention with this one,**this is unique/simple/recognisable and for me the best part, the simplist form of attention grabbing i have seen,**plus all the others... *(great execution, colours always work, and the extra trickery with the 'i' speech bubble).**awsome work my friend.
ReplyGreat icon! I love it.
Replyvery nice. I'm a fan of the dot on th e %22i%22. You fit that in there nicely. The type works well with the shape of the box as well. its a winner :)**if you don't mind, what is that name of that font you used for the oi? thanks, and keep up the good work steven.
ReplyThe %22oi%22 feels very aussie as it appears 11 times in our chant that rings out at almost any function...Aussie aussie aussie?
ReplyBy the way, i really like this!
Reply@hindmarsh: At 1st i was like %2211?%22 then %22sung%22 it to myself in my head and you're quite right, lol.**Robbie, Robbie, Robbie, oi oi oi (Wallabies :P)
ReplyKia Ora s7even! Great logo. *Nice to see another NZ designer on LP. Are you based in NZ or the UK?
ReplyCheers Chris, always good to see more kiwis discovering the pond. I'm based in Dunedin. Nice co. name btw %3B)
ReplyYes, '7': the number of completeness and perfection - things I strive for!*NZ's my adopted homeland - I'm S'African orginally : )
Replyvery unique concept
ReplyLovin it!
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