
by s7even • Uploaded: Aug. 13 '08 - Gallerized: Aug. '08


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Description: Mark for graduate program specialist. Had a variant of this posted here earlier, this is my preferred option.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 12287

Lets Discuss

respiro Aug. 14 '08

The iconic part: straight to the point. Great work!

s7even Aug. 14 '08

Thanks Respiro. The icon is clearly a play on the GC, but I was quietly hoping people might also see the implied %22target%22. Beyond that (and most peoples ability to care I imagine) the mark could also visually describe the process of sourcing the best graduates (represented by the outer circle of the %22G%22 form) and putting them in the best jobs (as the circle meets the cross of the %22G%22 and hits the bullseye).

gthobbs Aug. 15 '08

Great mark. I'd square off the terminations of the C and G so the ends run perfectlly parallel to the G horizontal line. I think that would further the target connotation.

dikkers Aug. 21 '08

Epic S7eve, EPIC. **The CG icon definitely more effective this way (than the previous version) I guess the C's more obvious? **Why'd you shy away from the green/black Aus/NZ colour connotations? That being their main point of business? (Don't get me wrong, i think the new colours are tops! just curious).

s7even Dec. 19 '08

hehe.. thanks dan. Yeah the decision about colour was initially motivated by the NZ-%3EAus connection. But after staring at the thing for a bit I realised the colour was compromising the initial concept and couldn't help but rework it to see if I was right. They are still using the green, yellow and black at the moment but I will be suggesting they implement the new colour scheme for any new collateral and update the website accordingly..

JoePrince Mar. 10 '10

This is really sweet work, nice job mate.


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