North Construction

by SeanHeisler • Uploaded: Aug. 12 '11 - Gallerized: Sep. '11


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Description: Proposal for a construction company. Symbol is staircase in negative space and abstract "N" letterform.
As seen on: Sean Heisler
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 21275

Lets Discuss

Bernd Aug. 12 '11

looks great Sean ... like it

atomicvibe Aug. 12 '11

Simple, yet brilliant! I like this one a lot, Sean.

Sean Heisler Aug. 12 '11

Thanks, guys, I appreciate it!

vasvari Aug. 12 '11

Great work, great idea!

Sean Heisler Aug. 12 '11

Sam and Peter, thanks so much, fellas!

Antonio Cappucci Aug. 12 '11

Simple and smart, very good!!

Sean Heisler Aug. 13 '11

Thanks Antonio and Josh! Hope that negative space stairway is coming across?

pjmaster Aug. 16 '11

Hey, interesting solution.

Sean Heisler Aug. 16 '11

Thanks for the comment, Jovan.

contrast8 Aug. 16 '11

strong concept Sean:)

Sean Heisler Aug. 16 '11

Appreciate it, buddy.

matjak Aug. 17 '11

This is great Sean. Nice job champ.

Sean Heisler Aug. 18 '11

Thanks, Matt, appreciate it buddy!

sbdesign Aug. 18 '11

Excellent work, Sean!

ColinTierney Sep. 06 '11

congrats sean. as always, well deserved.

Mikeymike Sep. 06 '11

Nice, nice work, Sean.

vasvari Sep. 06 '11

It is my great favorite of mine!

garychew1984 Sep. 07 '11

simple and nice!!! cleverly done!*

milou Sep. 07 '11

Nice one @Sean Heisler, did you get my reply to your e-mail some time ago?

Sean Heisler Sep. 07 '11

Thanks all, I really appreciate the comments and floats. Thanks for the gallery spot as well!*@Milosz - Hey buddy, yes, I did and thought I replied again??

lumo Sep. 07 '11

Excellent solution! Great one Sean.

logomotive Sep. 07 '11

Sean, I like the concept a lot. Something just bugs me about the N, seems it could be like skewed more somehow to look more like an N. I know it's %22abstract%22 but wonder if it could be improved? I did a North logo also seems there's a way to make the steps end at points?

logomotive Sep. 07 '11

OOPS, sorry, guess I critiqued. Nevermind.

Sean Heisler Sep. 07 '11

Thanks, Mike. You can critique my work anytime. I hear you about the N, I toiled over that myself hoping that it was communicating an N letterform. It is abstract. It's possible that the steps could end at a point but I would have to play with it and your North River mark, which I have always loved, inspires me to try something. If anything, after being inspired by your mark I could foresee taking the upper right and lower left points of the black square and pull them out to make it look more like a %22pointy%22 N. What I do like about this current solution is the simplicity of the execution, it's just simply a black square with the repeated negative shapes/stairs knocked out of the square. Anyhow, I'm intrigued, I appreciate the feedback. Thanks again!

Sean Heisler Sep. 07 '11

Sorry, I know this is already in the gallery but just a subtle tweak here I'm experimenting with. Going from Mike's suggestion and some experimentation I believe this tweak alone actually improves this and retains the simplicity! I think you get a better inference of an N now and from a dimensional standpoint it now appears as if the black area to the right of the stairs is a defined %22wall%22 and what would be the plane of the floor of the upper level and then the space below the stairs looks like a wall below the stairs and then what would be definition of the plane of the lower level.

Sean Heisler Sep. 07 '11

Grafiker and James, thanks so much!

atomicvibe Sep. 09 '11

Man, this thing is giving me googly-eyes! I love how perception shifts the longer you look at it. Congrats on the well-deserved gallery spot, Sean!

Sean Heisler Sep. 09 '11

Thanks, guys! I have to give props to Mike for his help here, whether he likes this move I made or not(?), his suggestion made the perspective and sense of depth really pop and I think there is a better inference of an N now too.

firebrand Sep. 09 '11

Nice one Sean. This is a very strong mark.

Noetic Brands Sep. 09 '11

Great stuff Sean. Agree with Roy!

Sean Heisler Sep. 09 '11

Roy and Riz, thanks so much, glad you like it! Actually everybody, the whole damn Logopond,, thanks so much for your support and encouragement!

logomotive Sep. 10 '11

Nice Sean, I think it has a bit more interest too.

Sean Heisler Sep. 14 '11

Mike, Joe and Gert, thanks for the comment, glad you guys like it!

vietmax Sep. 15 '11

Vert nice, love it

devey Oct. 28 '11

Another nice one, apparently I missed this in the gallery.

vidu Nov. 03 '12

Very very nice logo!


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