Beer Garden

by SeanHeisler • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '09 - Gallerized: Jul. '09


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Description: Unused concept. Was at a beer garden the other day drinking some cool ones, got me thinking.
As seen on: Sean Heisler
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 15149

Lets Discuss

Type08 Jul. 23 '09

I haven't, cool idea, using a beer bottle as a vase... Nice one, E! :)

ethereal Jul. 23 '09

Thanks, Alen! My thought is this could work well for a trendy open-air beer garden/bar where the establishment's name could be inserted such as %22Alen's Beer Garden.%22 Could be %22Beer Gardener%22 for a web site that features a directory of beer garden's worldwide, I don't know. Thought the idea of the flower/beer gave it a humorous quality.

Type08 Jul. 23 '09

Although I'm not a beer lover myself, it sends out a clear message like 'beer is good for you like water for flowers'... So all of your usage ideas might work, no probs! :)

ethereal Jul. 23 '09

Ha! Well typically beer garden's are outdoor, open-air areas of an establishment that usually serves beer and food. I'm trying to capture that outdoor, summer, sunny aspect of a beer garden in a slightly humorous, light hearted visual I guess. Thanks!

cseven Jul. 23 '09

Nice one. I reckon it captures the idea well.

bhog Jul. 24 '09

I like beer and I like this. I've put flowers in a wine bottle before, but I haven't seen this idea used as a logo yet.

JohnM Jul. 26 '09

bloody cool! long time no see sean! hope things are good :-)

Farmill Jul. 27 '09

I love, love, love this one! But I might be a tad biased, beer being my favourite drink and all.

squarelogo Jul. 27 '09

My favorite type of garden. Excellent!

designabot Jul. 27 '09

%5E lol. nice buddy

ethereal Jul. 27 '09

Wow, thanks everyone!

dbunk Jul. 28 '09

grt colors and logo

Tømme Jul. 28 '09

simply effective :) burps :o

BigAl67 Jul. 28 '09

To the point and memorable. What else does a logo need to achieve?

knuckleheadjones Jul. 29 '09

Shouldn't the flower be growing towards the sun?

wiking Jul. 29 '09

Like knucklehead said... geez ethereal I can't believe you didn't take Phototropism into consideration when you designed this logo. -1 :)

ethereal Jul. 29 '09

Thanks again everyone, really appreciate it a lot!!**@knuckleheadjones: Ha! You guys think of everything. Well, I just tried flipping the flower and a friend of mine (another designer) and I were just contemplating the change for like 10 minutes and while it seemed to work well there is something with the current version that just feels more comfortable. There is something with how the flower and the bottle shadow together point to the right that feels right. The flower flipped the other way seems like you then have complexity in the symbol with opposing direction of shape. I don't know, I'm likely way over thinking it. It's an interesting observation though, thanks for posting. I may switch it, not sure.*

jennyb Jul. 29 '09

This is kickass E...brilliant concept!

relate Jul. 29 '09

It really is nice. Spot-on execution, brilliant design. Great graphics work! Congrats on getting into the gallery!

logomotive Jul. 29 '09

Looks like a Redneck table centerpiece to me ,we use that instead of a vase :)

dbunk Jul. 30 '09

@knuckleheadjones: U got the knuckles on my head. Keen observation there.

lboi Jul. 31 '09

I like it %3B-)

ethereal Jul. 31 '09

Thanks again, guys! Redneck table centerpiece!!! :)

McGuire Design Aug. 01 '09

This is great. Nice combo that I'd never think of. Sweet Work.

m_molloy Aug. 10 '09

This is a cool logo. I could see this being used at a microbrewery bar. Also I love the type you used it is very fitting to the feel of the mark.

JoePrince Feb. 19 '10

This is great work Sean.

ethereal Feb. 19 '10

Thanks, Joe, and everyone!

damaraputra Apr. 23 '10

nice concept sean. i dont even think using that kinda logotype, but thats very match with the colour and logogram

ethereal Apr. 23 '10

Thanks, hanugra. Funny how that works out sometimes.

ethereal Apr. 27 '10

Appreciate it, Gal, thanks!

ethereal Jul. 18 '10

Appreciate the floats, peeps.

Bernd Apr. 03 '11

what a mountain of impressive ID work !!!! **thanx for commenting !

Sean Heisler Apr. 04 '11

You are far too kind, Bernd, I appreciate it!

cresk May. 07 '11

Also love the colour palette.

Sean Heisler May. 08 '11

Glad you like it, Gert! Thanks!

bega Oct. 30 '11

Uma ideia bem divertida!**parab%E9ns aqui do Brasil.


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