Terry Livingstone

by OcularInk • Uploaded: Jan. 07 '08


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Description: This is a work in progress for photographer, Terry Livingstone. The colors hint at his love for nature photography. Check out his work at TerryLivingstone.com. We will also be creating a new website in the near future. All feedback is welcome.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 6553

Lets Discuss

ryantoyota Jan. 07 '08

I really like the concept, but the TL seems off. What if you were to center the green rectangle around the L instead of the T. I think that would push the look of it being corners a little more.

KGB Jan. 07 '08

On initial look I didn't mind the L being off-center to make the box, but now it kind of bothers me. I'm also not digging the wide Ts in the logotype. I think this is a much better start than the other one. This is very clean and contemporary. I can see this working in many different applications. the other seems a bit limiting. great start.

rfrusso Jan. 07 '08

Although the other one hints at 'nature' more, I like this one much better for 'photographer.' I love the color and how the TL tab could work (in many colors) on its own. Maybe it could stick out from the side of his featured photos, like the Levi's red tab?**Photos on site look great, but site design def hinders them. I can't wait to see what you do for the redesign. Keep us updated!

OcularInk Jan. 08 '08

Thanks for all the feedback and great ideas.

puffmoike Feb. 23 '08

If this is still %22in progress%22 you might want to take a look at %22Nicky Willcock%22:http://www.nickywillcock.co.uk 's logo, which is very similar in concept.**That said, how many variations on aperture blades have we all seen for photography-related logos? Not to mention that 'TL' is a more natural fit for the idea than the somewhat 'forced' selection of a letter midway through a name. **And I have to ask: how did it look without the green bar? If you just used colour to distinguish the T and L, rather than reversing them out, might it not work more effectively?**Incidentally, I thought I originally saw the Nicky Willcock logo on the Pond - with some discussion about whether the first 'L' should have been chosen instead, so as not to subtly emphasise 'cock' in the logo. But as I couldn't find it in a search, and nobody else has pointed out the similarity by now, perhaps I am wrong ...


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