by pineapple • Uploaded: Dec. 24 '08
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Description: A further refinement. Status: Nothing set Viewed: 1560 Share:
This is a further refinement of the flying man theme. Problem is, though, I think this looks entirely too close to Matisse's %3Ci%3EIcarus%3C/i%3E, so points off for lack of creativity.**Previous concepts:*%3Ca href%3D%22 1%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 2%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 3%3C/a%3E
Just GREAT!, has a matisse feeling that I like...
Thanks, but I'm concerned that it's %3Ci%3Etoo much%3C/i%3E like Matisse. Or maybe I should just stop worrying?
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This is a further refinement of the flying man theme. Problem is, though, I think this looks entirely too close to Matisse's %3Ci%3EIcarus%3C/i%3E, so points off for lack of creativity.**Previous concepts:*%3Ca href%3D%22 1%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 2%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 3%3C/a%3E
ReplyJust GREAT!, has a matisse feeling that I like...
ReplyThanks, but I'm concerned that it's %3Ci%3Etoo much%3C/i%3E like Matisse. Or maybe I should just stop worrying?
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