Fund for the Arts 2

by pineapple • Uploaded: Dec. 18 '08


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Description: Another idea for the arts-support organization.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1725

Lets Discuss

pineapple Dec. 18 '08

2nd concept. Previous logo is here:****This one tries to get around the issue of combining visual and performing arts by using the abstract concept of striving (education), as represented by the flying man reaching for the stars. Colors are not worked out yet (green stars? um, no). One issue, though: perhaps the flying person looks too much like a trapeze artist or ballet dancer, and therefore evokes images of performing arts and exlude visual arts.

gyui Dec. 18 '08

I think because the figure is a literal representation of a man, that it just looks like a naked guy flying through the air with stars. Maybe a more abstract figure would help convey art more?

gyui Dec. 19 '08

oh yeah, scratch my comment. go with relevant.


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