Palette 1

by pineapple • Uploaded: Jun. 01 '09


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Description: Working my way through some palettes. The number under each swatch corresponds to a PMS color.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1744

Lets Discuss

Tømme Jun. 01 '09

doesn't this belong on adobe kuler or something like that? :s hope this isn't going to become the next trend on this site :)

pineapple Jun. 01 '09

Actually, I agree with you, but Kuler is limited to 5 colors (then again, maybe I should limit myself to 5 colors). I also didn't see a place in the forums for discussions of palettes, so this is where I'm putting them, awkward as it may be.

sdijock Jun. 01 '09

@pineapple - showing just color swatches is working in a vaccuum if you don't show a logo in relation to the swatches. We have nothing to go by - no historical background of the company or visual cues to let us know if the color swatches make sense.

jerron Jun. 01 '09

I float this logo

chirp Jun. 01 '09

Jerron, I appreciate your ability to see through the discussion and move laterally. :) I'm in agreement for the flag thrown for Illegal Procedure. This is better suited for ColorPond. Or colourlovers. Or some such.


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