by janzabransky • Uploaded: Oct. 24 '09 - Gallerized: Jan. '10
Logo design for branding company focused on building distinct brands.
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Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
Why is it 180 degrees rotated? To show the genius insanity / craziness?
ReplyTass, yes that too, but primary to catch your attention ...
ReplyIt really caught my attention. Good one.
ReplyI like it for some reason.
ReplyThank You Joe and Radek, I hope I will finish a whole identity soon. You will see this logo works very good within the context of other graphics as whole branding.
ReplyGenius _does_ look at things in a different this logo's execution of that aspect of the concept fits. Nice work.
ReplyJF thanks, You got point.
ReplyThis is really clever
ReplyVery appealing.
ReplyThank You Alex, thank You Jo%E3o!
ReplyIt grabbed my attention because I haven't got the faintest clue why it's upside down. And I still don't, so I don't know whether I like it because it's random or dislike it because it's meaningless.
ReplyTook me a second..nice work, Jan.
ReplyI like it... interested to see your execution on a business card - depending on how you hand it to them it will look to be the right way around...
ReplyNice, Jan, it does get your attention.
Replysurprisingly it was easy to read.
ReplyAoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
Reply%5EYou just blew my mind Raja. Thanks for sharing that!
Reply%5E%5EI've read that before and it is truely amazing that our brains are capable of that...but this logotype is not %22Genius%22 because it has jumbled up the letters, allowing our brains re-arrange them subconsciously to form the word and therefore make us feel like geniuses. This logotype is not that, (but it should be!) and it's not 'Genius' because it was flipped upside-down for attention-sake either unfortunately. Which is why I'm struggling to understand its popularity.**If it was the jumbled up letters, I'd instantly float it.
ReplySimplicity at its finest!*@ Raja you writing drunk
ReplyNice idea.*%5E@raja - HA! Sweet! :)
ReplyVery puzzled by this one!
ReplyClimax: Janzabransky is actively looking for critiques. My comment was more relevant than yours. :D
ReplyThis is kinda' cool. I thought it said %22Snineo%22 subtly for some reason. I didn't really get why it got so popular either, plantingseeds, but it is. It's a cool font, though. I'm not going to slam the design or the artist, but I don't see it either. Other than the fact that it's upside-down, can someone tell me why it's so popular? I agree with plantingseeds, it woulda' been cool to see it jumbled up.
ReplyThanks all for comments, floats and critique! I am happy to see that discussion here live on. Controversial reactions about this are on right place. This design mission is to open discusion, to bring people LOOK AT THINGS DISTINCT WAY! It is still not finished project yet, so be patient to see application of visual style. Whole identity program, stylebook and visual rules brings this logo to the next level. Thank You for sharing Your thoughts my friends, I am happy to be part of this community!
ReplyRaja - great comment about rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, thanks for that! Why not use this trick in logo design!? I think it is the same or very similar as using negative space or typography tricks .... Of course there must be logic goal or some clever idea behind (and that is hardest trick at all :)) ...
ReplyPlantingseeds - thanks for Your comment, Yes I am actvely looking for comments like Yours. I think GENIUSess are not always precise and perfect and sometimes because of their natural insanity they write something upside down ... That is natural part of %22GENIUS%22 effect such as they invent or create somethin very special ... I tried to put little bit of that thoughtless insanity in this logo ... Because of that dont expect that this logo should be elaborated deeply genial and clever ... its not, but I hope its kind of funny, playfull, creative, diverse ... :-)
Replyok! got my attention..but what does it say?
Replybrandcore: imho, answer is exactly what You said: %22ok! got my attention ...%22 Throught distinctiveness it is getting attention! Remember its branding company ... (not specialized on mass production)
ReplyIt would be interesting to see a version2 of this where it says 'GNIUES?' and let reader's figure out the word. If they get it then they're genius. And if not, then they might want to apply to Cambridge!**Jumbling up the letters would give the same attention-grabbing effect that flipping upside down does. Yet it has a deeper meaning as an actual rewarding puzzle to subconsciously solve. Hence the question mark.
ReplySometimes I feel like I'm watching American Idol auditions.
Replyplantingseeds: I think jumbling letters will add just chaos into it in case of this logo. If You want, You can make your own logo %3B-)*
Reply%5E Fair enough dude, I wouldn't wanna do an alternate version, it's not my logo to do so.**%5E%5E Better to be on the show than watching that crap, I guess :P
ReplyThe point of this logo is to say...geniuses look at the world in an unconventional way. They're different. Not conventional. Conventional %3D writing GENIUS %3C-- like this. Unconventional %3D flipping it upside down. There is nothing wrong with this logo%3B in fact, it stands to reason those who don't 'get' it might not be used to looking at the world in an unconventional way. Think about it as an unconventional way to see/think, and you'll get it. I said it before, and I'll say it again: nice work. Very, very nice work.
ReplyWow. What's with all the rude comments? If the logo was so meaningless to you, then why'd you waste time insulting it? That must mean that it served it's purpose and got your attention.**Nice one Jan :)
Reply@logomotive: Ha!! :)
Replythere is a lot of lol in this thread**Regarding the logo, it would be cool if your URL was
Reply@JF - thanks for your comment, straight on target*@Tabitha - appreciate your words*@Raja - dont understand, I am not genius :-) please what means url:*@Jeiji - can not translate it, pardon my english, what did you say?*
Reply@Jan : The URL spells out Genius upside down. :-)
Reply@Jan: Jeiji said %22Controversy%22 alluding to the jumbled up type idea.*My comments have been far from what I'd consider 'rude'. I scrutinised and criticised the logo a bit because I don't believe it's unconventional purely for being upside down. I even suggested an alternative route to the same goal. What benefit to a designer actively seeking critiques is a bunch of comments saying %22nice one!%22 %22it got my attention! :)%22 Jan appreciates differing opinions and I respect him for that. Some of ye need to grow up and lighten up as soon as someone voices a differing opinion it's suddenly 'covtrseoy' and jibes about being a simon cowell villain. pffft, I'm out.*
Reply@plantingseeds - you speak your personal opinion out, its ok to me ... peace*@David - full respect to your effort keep balance (or good waters) here on this great pond, thank You for that*@Kevin - thanks for %22translation%22 its so cool that Rajas idea :-D lol*****
ReplyHey. just wanted to ask if you actually sold that to a client or is it just a home project. designing and what makes you pay the bills is often two different things. I dont think most of my clients would go for this logo and actually pay me just for flipping a type upside down.
Reply@Wojciech - this is for commercial use. You think that designer will have to provide some reduction on price when they design just simple logo? Maybe you measure clients by what tells You your experience. If You meet in your proffesional life more clients which would not pay for simple logo like this, I understand why are You sceptic. Clients looking for simplicity and minimalistics in design are here, too, they are not majority but they exist. Here on Logopond there are many examples of great design based just on typography and that logos are very fine. For example look at %22Rajah %26 Tann%22: by Mister Jones. Its very good logo and based %22just%22 on text, there is no clever idea or fancy effects and client will pay for it. To be a client I would personaly prefer minimalistic designs, too ... and I would buy it even if price for it would be such as price for more complex, conceptual or illustrative logo - if they fit my personal style and needs.
ReplyJan, i envy you on your patience. %3B) I wish i can be that calm and professional every single time.. :)
ReplyDont misunderstand me, I think this logo is great. really good work with the mindtrick it does on you %22hey, what the...? ... aaa ...%22 :) It really works for me.**The reason why I asked if its commercial or personal is that in my experience, clients often think that simple %3D cheap in price, cause you didnt do much except a type in. I dedicated my life to change that, but unfortunately fail so far and get my bills paid with over done designs I rather throw to the trash, than sell - but unfortunatly this is what people want: overthought, fancy and flashy designs. *If you have clients that are willing to appreciate simplicity, consider yourself a lucky... lucky man.*Good job.
ReplyAmazing work! I like the way you put the characters %3B)
Replysurprising how i intinctively read it the right way even thought its rotated, how can you manage that? i think it's the shape pf the S (larger on the top), and the rotated G that do the trick. Truly genius :)
Reply%A1u(Dop DDpısdn ʇı pɐDDɹ uɐɔ no(E 11DD(D (Doɥ buızɐ&Fɐ .1ooɔ (E11ɐDDɹ (E11ɐDDɹ 'pDDDDɹbɐ
Reply%5EGah, didn't work...**Was meant to say (upside down)....**Agreed, really really cool. Amazing how well you can read it upside down!
Reply**Agreed, really really cool. Amazing how well you can read it upside down!
ReplyWhile the treatment is interesting, the logo in no way tells me that the company is %22a graphic design and strategic marketing firm specializing in Brand Identity, Motion and Interactive design%22. Therefore, I don't think it is successful.
ReplyWhen I first saw the logo I immediately read %22Genius.%22 It took me a moment to realize that it was upside-down... Love it.
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