Mandy - Artist Management

by VERG • Uploaded: Mar. 27 '12 - Gallerized: Apr. '12


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Description: Client Approved version of my Mandy project. I had to explore a new direction and design a more corporate mark with less focus on the name. There are obvious solutions with MW, the tricky part was to make the obvious solution unique. By taking away what would have been the connecting stroke (obvious solution), i feel i have achieved this.
As seen on: DRIBBBLE
Status: Client work
Viewed: 40877
Tags: ambiagram monogram mw design agency

Lets Discuss

vergad Mar. 30 '12

thanks for the floats ponders. I lifted the no comments thingio which was flagged by accident.

ColinTierney Apr. 03 '12

too bad she didn't go with the typographic solution. either way, this is another great direction.

Vergad Apr. 05 '12

Thanks Colin. Agreed! As much as i would of liked to see the other design go forward, I am fond of this also.

square69 Apr. 26 '12

Good to see this in the gallery .Lovely mark !

Type and Signs Apr. 27 '12

missed this one ... congrats buddy .... clean work !!

ray2008 Apr. 27 '12

well done: love it

lumavine Apr. 27 '12

I really like the scale relationship between the 2 lines of text in the dribbble card a lot more than this one. Great work!

vergad Apr. 27 '12

thanks LP and thanks for the floats and comments guys. I'm really happy to see this here as it was a little hard moving on from the first concept i came up with, because it just felt so right to me. But getting to understand the client and her vision a bit more i have accepted this as a better fit for her. @luma, whilst i agree with you, part of the requirement from the client was to really pull back the focus of her name (therein-lies the problem with concept 1). Anyway, thanks again guys, really nice to see this make gallery.

headliner May. 02 '12

It looks very good. Very interesting combination of M & W letters. Awesome!

vergad May. 03 '12

thank you headliner... appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment

vergad May. 03 '12

and you too mechax!

vergad May. 24 '12

Thanks Jenn! Stoked you like.

samijoemansour May. 29 '12

i love this, simple enough!!

vergad Jun. 01 '12

cheers sam - glad you like.

ocularink Jun. 01 '12

You did a great job coming up with a unique monogram. Know how hard that can be. Also, love that it works as an ambigram too. Such a sucker for those.

Vergad Jun. 04 '12

Thank you ocularink. I'm a sucker for them too


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