delToro creatures

by VERG • Uploaded: Jan. 09 '13


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Description: A little side project I worked on last year that never went forward My aim was to capture the horror/ drama of Guillermo del Toro's (director of Pan's Labyrinth) characters with a signature style logo. I sharpened the pencil really sharp and snapped off the tip with some pressure to try and get a very scratchy, stressed and edgy look. Then a little more pressure for the final lead snap on the final stroke (queue: blood). You can see his character designs and a closer view on the link provided below.
As seen on: VERG
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 4385
Tags: characters monsters cursive lettering

Lets Discuss

type and signs Jan. 09 '13

Mann, Mann, Mann ... noch eins ... ;D

Vergad Jan. 11 '13

Cheers B man! Danke, danke danke


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