
by VERG • Uploaded: Mar. 18 '11


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Description: Comon's security device that uses GPS technology. rotated 'A' letter symbols represent points of a compass, star/ badge. special thanks to joeprince for maven pro
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3142

Lets Discuss

Simon™ Mar. 18 '11

Clever use of the linked shape. How the heck did you get it to line up? I like that you kept the same colour scheme as for Comon. Again you have a funky colour combo. Come on ... fix the typo in the title! Tsk tsk ... professionalism, hey?

vergad Mar. 20 '11

thanks simon... i had to do a bit of manual work to line up the anchor points. as accurate as i thought my calculations were, they just didn't seem to hit the mark. title fixed, professionalism back in order. onya!

ManuelGarciaPH Jul. 31 '12

Featured Here:
A Fascinating Collection of Star Logo Design

Type and Signs Jul. 31 '12

missed this Matt ... great work ... love it !!

vergad Aug. 01 '12

Cheers guys! and thanks Manuel for the feature!


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