by VERG • Uploaded: Aug. 16 '10
originally for a marketing company.
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
interesting. I think the i stands out a bit though. Have you considered losing the dot and increasing the remainder to the x-height and then tapering the right-had side slightly so that it mimics the curves of the other characters?%0D*%0D*I'd also consider another typeface for marketing, doesn't seem to do it justice as 'animo' could be very very cool with some minor adjustments.
Replythanks for the feedback gareth! I'll take it all on board and post back another variation. the 'i' also represents the fact that it's a one man show, but i think giving that perception could work against the company anyway. i originally had a typical sans font capitalised for marketing and tossed up between the two before uploading the logo. i'll show you in the next variation. onya!
Replydoesn't look like this one is going ahead so i've lost the %22marketing%22
ReplyTastefully done!
Replywhy thank you very much JF
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