by Muamer • Uploaded: Feb. 18 '08
© 2008 Muamer ADILOVIC DESIGN // MA:DE
Client work
Lets Discuss
Great fluidity.
Replyvery nice. i too like the way it flows. to twist it with the %22F%22 is very clever.
ReplyI did similar logo once with the hair and letter F, the only thing that bothers me is the highlight coming out from her cheek. Nice concept though, well executed.
ReplyReminds me of the Wella logo quite a bit! This is better though.
ReplyThank you all...this is WIP and I will upload final soon...thinking about hm hm :)
Replysecond stroke a bit out of place, but very well constructed...
ReplyThanks PhibaOptik...but plz tell me how do you mean: %22out of place%22 ? %0D*Thanks. :)%0D*
ReplySo what you think about typo now ?
ReplyGreat work. Clean and beautiful in its simplicity.
Replymaybe because in the comments page this was placed above the blacksparrow logo... they look very similar... however, i like them both, so im not complaining. I would agree with the previous comment about the highlighted hair starting off from the cheek though, can you not bring it in a bit?
ReplyHey nido I think you are right, I made that correction before but never update here... Now is better I think :) *
Replyvery nice like it!
ReplyMuamer, hvala ti na podrsci... Ti ocito razumijes kako funkcioniraju klijenti iz 'nasih' krajeva... Smatram da si se jednako dobro i ti prilagodio svojima... A propos ovog logotipa, jesi bacio oko na moj Ren's? What do you think?
Reply@ McGuire Design %26 Nima: Thanks! :D**@ Type08: You are welcome man :-) Ehh da, znam o cemu pricas ali sta je tu je... Takav je ovaj posao, pogotovo je interesantan u %22nasim%22 krajevima. %3B-))) Mislim da mi je Ren's u favoritima odavno ali odoh jos jednom da ga pogledam %3E %3E %3E Thanks.*
ReplyRodak!*Awietny poziom.*pozdro
ReplyThank you Najlepiej* and Demiphonic!%0D*%0D*: )
Replyahh yes, this is a nice mark
ReplyThank you, Raja :-)
ReplyReminds me of getting hair washed at the hairdresser....mmm....nice.
Replythis mark right here remembers me why I love design so much :)*congrats.
ReplyTHNX YO! %3B-) Happy to see you like it! **
ReplyLots of strong forms in your portfolio Muamer, the way it should be.
ReplyI really like this mark.
Replyabsolutely brilliant! My greetings!
Replylan amcık bunun linki nerede
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