BlueBird Tree Care

by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Nov. 12 '15 - Gallerized: Nov. '15


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Description: Here is the FINAL design for the Blue Bird Tree Care. I guess I still preferred the first design, but also do like this one. And the client loves it, so I'm good. :) that's what matters, right!
Status: Client work
Viewed: 10520
Tags: nature arborist blue tree

Lets Discuss

logoboom Nov. 12 '15

The first is definitely more clever but this is great.

Mikeymike Nov. 12 '15

Thanks, Glen. same thing I thought, but client liked this style. so all is good. real fun one to work on though, great client.Thanks for the comment.

Logoflow Nov. 12 '15

First one was more clever indeed, but I can understand your client. This one has more catchy vintage style and the bird is finally blue :) Sick one!

Mikeymike Nov. 13 '15

Thanks for the comment logoflow. yeah it was more the vintage look that the client liked. But al is well on it. THX again.

chanpion Nov. 14 '15

Man, I wish I had a project like this! But probably would not end up something quite as brilliant as this. Loved it from start to finish. Thanks Mike.

Mikeymike Nov. 16 '15

Mr. Chan, thanks for the kind words. And yeah you would have come up with a dynamite design sir.
Bernd thank man.
And big thanks for whomever placed this into the gallery. Very mich appreciated.

devey Nov. 18 '15

Looks great Mike.

Mikeymike Nov. 19 '15

Thanks Jeffrey. I really appreciate the comments. Cheers!


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