
by HelveticBrands • Uploaded: Feb. 29 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '10


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Description: This is the new design for the soon to be unveiled user-driven survey, quiz, and poll website called ThinkOnce. My inspiration for this came while watching a scene from Little Miss Sunshine. Monochrome:
As seen on:
Status: Client work
Viewed: 18679

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image Mar. 01 '08

%22My inspiration for this came while watching a scene from Little Miss Sunshine%22**The colorblind test yeah?

dache Mar. 04 '08

Thanks very much everyone!

kellyoneill May. 16 '08

Love this logo - great job dache!

Sensibelle Jun. 05 '08

i d like to see it in big size

dache Jun. 05 '08

You are in luck, it is visible in large size %22here%22:**This 'style' has now become a 2008 trend as per logolounge.

nido Jul. 27 '08

my opinion... dache is the Van Gogh of logo design...

dache Sep. 07 '08

Thanks bornzen!**%22This logo will be featured in LogoLounge V%22:

nido Sep. 07 '08

i thought you said logolounge wasn't cool?.. seeing as you had to pay %24100?...

dache Sep. 07 '08

The people at Logolounge were very kind to offer me a complementary membership with their invitation to the book.

firebrand Sep. 07 '08

I see someone on IncSpring has taken a liking to this logo.

bartodell Sep. 09 '08

The people at Logolounge were very kind to offer me a complementary membership with their invitation to the book.**Highly doubtable.

dache Sep. 30 '08

:%5E) Call them if you'd like to confirm.**Concerning the chosen logo for the book, it was in fact the monochrome version which can be seen below.**!!**Also, the incspring matter was taken care of.

Hayes Image Sep. 30 '08

%22The people at Logolounge were very kind to offer me a complementary membership with their invitation to the book.%22**I can confirm this, as I too was lucky enough to be given a 12 month membership for free too :)

firebrand Jan. 17 '17

@ClimaxDesigns apparently I mentioned someone on this logo today and you replied. Is there a ghost in the machine? ;)

ClimaxDesigns Jan. 17 '17

No i was testing the reply @firebrand feature and just happened to use your reply button but deleted the comment after cause it was just me typing random stuff, sorry!

firebrand Jan. 17 '17

@ClimaxDesigns Ah, no worries. Looking good btw. Will replies have dates and times?

ClimaxDesigns Jan. 17 '17

@firebrand i was thinking to not have post dates, but i do record them, i figured since the comments are linear didnt really need them, most times if people are speaking to each other they @ them, other times the comments tend to be about the logo at hand so they dont necessarily need a date. Its not like people dont post a comment because the last comment was months ago, at least thats not the behaviors ive seen.

Also without the dates things see a bit fresher, you know what i mean.


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