
by HelveticBrands • Uploaded: Feb. 24 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '08


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Description: WebMynd is a plugin for your browser that turns your web browsing into an extension of your own memory. WebMynd lets you keep a copy of everything you look at on the web, and then allows you to search actual page images, and text when you need to remember something again. For their new logo a monogram containing the letters 'W' and 'M' was created.
As seen on: http://www.dache.ch
Status: Client work
Viewed: 13053

Lets Discuss

jayell Feb. 24 '08

pretty cool as per usual where did you come up with the idea

raja Feb. 24 '08

oooh this is nice

rambal Feb. 24 '08

color says its dache.. nice one...

Feb. 25 '08

yeah, nice colours!

Art Machine Feb. 25 '08

Personally I'm not too thrilled by the colors, but it is an distinctive and memorable work. Job well done.

OcularInk Feb. 25 '08

Excellent use of color, dache. This one is definitely memorable.

firebrand Feb. 26 '08

Kaleidoscopic. You've used colour to great effect here, dache.

Kwaku Feb. 27 '08

diggin' colors a lot. nice idea , perfect execution.

cfig Feb. 27 '08

I guess I'm the only one who's not superhot on this :) It's not bad at all, I'm just not a fan of the kaleidoscope color palette or the type.

dache Feb. 27 '08

Thanks everyone, appreciate it. Merci!

artboy Feb. 28 '08

It looks awesome overall but seems to be a bit awkward at the joins in the middle (top and bottom) - could use a tweak?

bob sakoui Mar. 08 '08

This one caught my eye simply for the colour.*I would say the brandmark is pretty good, I think the arrangement, although nicely aligned with the wordmark, allows for the brandmark to be a little too large/overbearing compared to the wordmark.**I wonder if you tried different arrangements?**Anyway it's good stuff though Dache!**

dache Mar. 13 '08

Yes I worked on other arrangements, we are still experimenting with it on the website. Thanks very much guys :%5E)

dache Jun. 13 '08

Looking good on the website**%22www.webmynd.com%22:http://www.webmynd.com

helvetic brands Feb. 03 '10

Selected for LogoLounge Master Library Volumes 1 ( Initials %26 Crests )


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