by HelveticBrands • Uploaded: Jun. 18 '07 - Gallerized: Jan. '12
web development - SE
I was recently contacted to create this identity for an Ostersund based company that deals with webdesign, webhosting & programming.
As seen on:
Client work
Lets Discuss
Better : )*The colors are really interesting here, it feels there's not enough contrast/satur ation but that's what I like about it, makes it unique.
ReplyType is much improved. I like the brown background too. I'm still having trouble with the R. It just seems top heavy. I like it overall though.
ReplyVery nice, Dache. This type treatment feels much better. :)
ReplyThanks for the feedback guys :%5E)**KGB, I think the %22R%22 is one of this typefaces most charasmatic pieces. Blame Lubalin :%5E)
Replylove the symbol ...
ReplyI thought avant g
ReplyYes, ITC Avant Garde Gothic Medium
Replygood work dache!
Replydamn you Lubalin. Why do you make R so top heavy?
ReplyThanks for the positive feedback. My client likes this very much too :%5E)
Replylove it!
ReplyThanks Kliment :%5E)
Replylove it 2 ... well done !
ReplyYes Truly Magical! its those damn colours that keep drawing me back. Glad your client likes it. Cheers.
ReplyI'm lovin' the colors. Good work.
ReplyWow, elegant. Its like the mona lisa you have to look behind the lines to see the true meaning. One of my favorites
Replythis emits a very enticing brand minus the slight imperfection on the lower point and the R and G (sorry not partial to these letters in avant garder, but thats me) ... a great logo
ReplyThanks everyone for the positive feedback :%5E)
Replytrue magic indeed...
Replylet your gay pride shine
Replyreally good use of color and form. *i m curious to see this on a white background though :)
ReplyThanks for the positive input :%5E)
ReplyThat type layout makes no sense.
ReplyYa know, I wasn't going to say anything, but I agree with raja. I see you're trying to make it more unique, but it's not functional at all. Probably makes for some funny looking negative space on the stationery. Even so, I still love this logo.
ReplyOcularInk, you may elaborate on its functionality, if you feel the need. The stationery is lovely :%5E)**raja, that may be a question of visual culture.
Replywhere do u get this nonsense %22visual culture%22 you are making design far too complicated. The logo has no balance.
ReplyHere comes another red flag. Can dish but can not take criticisim.
Replynido :***I am open to discussion, enough with the personal attacks, lets talk logo design.
ReplyWOAH!... why you going %26 deleting my comments for climax?... this is not the first!.. what is it, favoritism?
Reply%26 the link you provided explains nothing as to why you have the type placed where it is!... please explain your translation of 'visual culture'... applied to this logo...
ReplyPlease use email when speaking off topic.*
ReplyOne's cultural surroundings influence how and what one sees.
Replyso stop with your crap on other peoples logos cause you dont know about their cultural surroundings %26 what they see!%0D*thats all everyones trying to say!.. but you dont get it!%0D*%26 you can delete this or you can red flag it.... but that dont change the truth!%0D*%0D*YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!
ReplyEnough with the slanderous comments.
ReplySelected for Los Logos 5.*
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