by HelveticBrands • Uploaded: Jul. 10 '07 - Gallerized: Jul. '07
This was designed for an international information technology services company. It is half of the letter 'S' each time that can be seen. I also meant for the two parts for the trunk of the tree to form a 'T'. For this design a fractal was created, a beautiful and natural phenomenon of growth and infinity.
As seen on:
Client work
Lets Discuss
the type needs just a little bit bold for my taste, but dache you amaze me over and over again!
ReplyThis is so much better!
ReplyHey dache, one beautiful and meaningful logo right here! My compliment!*What I especially like about it is the fact that you've created a fractal, a beautiful and natural phenomenon of growth and infinity. I love it.
ReplyThank you for the positive feedback everyone. *bogdanv, yep as stated earlier I havent completed the type, I am thinking something on the lines of a custom avernus or kabel treatment.*Glad you noticed that Art Machine, it was one of the intentions in the design.
ReplyThis is lovely mate .... sheer class ..
Replyoh! great work!
ReplyNice colors and a very nice logo. I keep seeing the letter 'P' as the primary shape for the tree mark though. Any significance here?
ReplyAnother great one! I love it!
ReplyThanks guys :%5E)**Ocularink : It is actually half of the letter %22S%22 each time. I also meant for the two parts for the trunk of the tree to form a %22T%22
ReplyI must admit I'm pretty jealous of this one , sweet.
ReplyTo be honest, I'm not so sure your too far from beinbg done or close to done with the tyoe, it really compliments the mark.
Replyhow will this look about that gap in between the 'r's and 'e's...
ReplyThanks for the positive feedback guys!**I have already addressed the type in the second sentence of the description raja.
ReplyDache...just out of curiosity...what did you build the tree out of half on an S? The trunk T shape you are referring looks more like a club from a playing card deck to me. I just dont get the symbolisim.*
Replyi realy like this... the craft... nice dache.. only thing is the tree seems to be swaying to the right a little.. which is straining the eyes a bit... but again.. nice...
Replynido you are right, Im thinking of removing a couple to the top right hand corner to even things out, it will help the symmetry. I would like for it to be as organicly random as possible though
Replyi love your logo! great!!
ReplyVery nice logo. As some others have said, I don't think the type needs a major overhaul - just a little tweak! The mark is fantastic though - very organic!
ReplyVery nice concept the fractal thing, it fits well the company name. Was it yours or of the client?*Like Raja said it seems to lack of readability if downscaled.*Not very impressed by the font and the wording spaces.
ReplyVery curly. I like it Dache.
ReplyThanks for the comments everyone.
ReplyI thought I would add the client did not use this logo in the end. It is really a pity this logo is homeless now.
ReplyWausau Paper campaign anyone.***
ReplyNever heard of them, I prefer mine :%5E)
ReplyDavid, I admit I don't really get your point. This kind of structure is very common in fractal art.
ReplyWhoops. Alright. :D
Replycan you explain to me the huge space between the 'r' %26 'e's in the word tree?.. you mentioned you addressed the type in the second sentence of the description.. where?
ReplyIt was almost a year ago nido, the description has changed.
Replyoh ok... so the explanation was...?
ReplyThe type is temporary or something to that extent.
ReplyYour works are fantastic...!!! What font use in your work...
ReplyThanks giumarto %3B%5E)
ReplyHypnotizing fractal geometry here. Superb!%0D*Would love to see it with slightly heavier type weight.
ReplyThanks pajga %26 bornzen.
ReplyThanks sebastiany
Replyhmm, just noticed this on ...
ReplyThanks Bojan.
Reply10 logos published in Los Logos 4**%22!!%22:**I have posted more pictures on the %22dacheboard%22:
Replycongrat!**I've got this book - nice stuff there %3B)
ReplyThanks Michal!
ReplyDoug, Kevin, thank you both :%5E)
ReplyCongrats dache. Great stuff as always.
ReplyCheers thanks Glenn.
ReplyI can't believe the client didn't use this logo. *It's really shocking. *gorgeous design dache :)
ReplyThanks for your comment Jesse. It is a pity for sure, but that's life :%5E)**As mentioned on the %22dacheboard%22:, the logo can also be seen in the Web Designer's Idea Book. **%22!!%22:
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