by thomas • Uploaded: Sep. 27 '07
Online opinion service - combo from "check" and "cœur" (heart in french)
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very nice treatment.. love the negative space in the mark too
ReplyMany thanks Nido! Actually, I have a lot of design problem, my entire work doesn't convince me... Everything looks like s**t. Nevermind. Luckily, Logopond exists and comments are really helpful. So let's go back to work!
ReplyYour work certainly isn't s**t. To an extent, we're all insecure about our work. It makes us strive to be better.
ReplyMany thanks!! It will always be a pleasure to learn from so talented designers (you, Nido, Bart, Dache, Julian, Josh, Kevin, Ryan, Stefen,...) but, sometimes, when ideas don't come, they just... don't come... And having a look to all your so-professionnal works strenghten my way to work... And If I say, this is s**t, trust me, it is %3B-)
ReplyWe all get creative block at some point. Your showcase is good... especially your typography.
Replyi second firebrand... your showcase is one of my favourites %26 thats no joke.. ask anyone, i never joke!!!%0D*%0D*ps.. im really interested in learning french...dont have time for college.. just thought id share that useless bit of info with ya.. seeing as we talking bout learning
ReplyHey thomas, your opinions are very important for me, because i have seen your work and i think is clever! %3B)
ReplyStop it gentlemen or I'm going to cry... Love, peace and unity! Just kidding of course.*@Nido : please have a look to your email inbox and this is NOT a joke my friend, I will be your french teacher now and you will have to call me MASTER*@Damian : excellent and clearly improvement of your work on CDS, how could I personaly contact you?*I'm actually working on a logo for a tool design company called %22surfetud%22 (what a bloody-motherf****ing ugly name...), no font pleases me yet... any suggestion?
Replyok MASTER, :D, my contacts:*
ReplyLovely Thomas! Only one thing...*The treatment of the second %22e%22 is too small...i think this lovely works could work better with this little precaution!*P.S: Your showcase is really good...stress out!
ReplyYou perfectly right Vincenzo. I know this version is far from good and this last %22e%22 gives me some trouble. I want to keep the heart rounded shapes but the epsilon is not clearly define and so legible... I have to work it more. Thanks for the input and I really appreciate your work on %22Sonino%22.
ReplyIt's nice but reminds me of Carrefour logo! Not much similarities but the style and feel of the logo.*!!
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