
by thomas • Uploaded: Apr. 25 '07


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Description: Logo for a web server online monitoring service
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3649

Lets Discuss

phunk Apr. 25 '07

Too much like the ableton Live logo I would say.

SpiffyJ Apr. 25 '07

I like the type. I don't like the randomness of the green lights on top. Maybe you can make them all even on top and bottom. Looks cool otherwise.

senterbrands Apr. 25 '07

Reminds me of the new Cisco brand identity.

Thomas Apr. 26 '07

Thanks gentlemen for all comments.*@Senterbrands. I know it. It was my first impression but I think it's still interesting and different from Cisco brand identity.*@Spiffy... Look further... The green lights are not randomned... But may be it's too subtle... Guess what? I don't know if somebody will find it out...

Art Machine Apr. 26 '07

haha, it's OWM, nice!

Thomas Apr. 26 '07

Gotcha! Thanks %22Art Machine%22. Congratulations for all your creations... Very impressive and inspirating! I like your sharp and clever design.

Thomas Apr. 26 '07

Many thanks Nomadesign! You're right, this name is not easy to work with. Don't really know if the type is not too condensed...

Art Machine Apr. 26 '07

Hey Thomas, __blush__ ***: )*

OcularInk Apr. 26 '07

Just saw the O, W, M in the mark. Sweet!!

SpiffyJ Apr. 26 '07

OH! o.w.m in the green lights. Well, it's cool but I didn't see that when I first looked at it. I had to read other peoples comments to figure it out. Hmmm....maybe you can keep working on that area to make it more obvious. The logo looks good though.

Thomas Apr. 26 '07

Thanks Ocular! *@SpiffyJ. You're totally right. It's not obvious and I didn't want it. The name is so long and so unspecial. I was just looking for a subtle (I hope so) way to put those green lights and it came.

nido Apr. 26 '07

ive figured it out everyone!!! its 'o' 'w' 'm'! ha! so easy!**nice work thomas, i really like it, you have the beginings of a wonderfull showcase! **(wanted to sign off in french but dont know any!)

Thomas Apr. 26 '07

Many thanks Nido! Your showcase is quite impressive (Talkmore, UntraViolet, Fabriqua Asia, Bombay Delight...)*La bise %3B-)

nido Apr. 26 '07

merci vraiment! %3B)

bogglins Aug. 12 '07

nicely executed.. :)*use semi condensed font maybe will make it perfect..


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