by thomas • Uploaded: Jul. 17 '07
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Description: MiCasaEsTuCasa producción Status: Nothing set Viewed: 2347 Share:
Really good, I like the warm and friendly feeling of the typeface and the gradient as a contrast to that. Nice.
Why you have mixed Spanish and English? I mean, I understand, but, I do not know where is going to be that %22producci%F3n%22.
Sorry, I don't have the responsibility... Client is King!
... And also because %22S%22 plus %222%22 create a heart...
bueno! :)
Es un trabajo muy fino, el cliente es espa%F1ol? *Por cierto, la tipografia que utilic%E9 para el logo de %22Hostal Blau%22 es la Edwardian Bold... Client is King!
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Lets Discuss
Really good, I like the warm and friendly feeling of the typeface and the gradient as a contrast to that. Nice.
ReplyWhy you have mixed Spanish and English? I mean, I understand, but, I do not know where is going to be that %22producci%F3n%22.
ReplySorry, I don't have the responsibility... Client is King!
Reply... And also because %22S%22 plus %222%22 create a heart...
Replybueno! :)
ReplyEs un trabajo muy fino, el cliente es espa%F1ol? *Por cierto, la tipografia que utilic%E9 para el logo de %22Hostal Blau%22 es la Edwardian Bold... Client is King!
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