by thomas • Uploaded: May. 10 '07


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Description: Upcoming man clothing brand
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3244

Lets Discuss

DarkGravez May. 11 '07

Nice, I like the faint gradient in the background too. Nice touch. Reminds me somewhat of the greece leaf band except with stars.

dache May. 11 '07

It severely lacks a central star.

dache May. 11 '07

Oops it sent before I finished. The way it reads for the moment is PRINC e, Im sure a capital %22E%22 would work well.

w-ill Jul. 03 '07

I really like this man, type is sweet and the color combo is sweet to.**my favourite part is the negative space between the to biggest stars and the word, and how it somewhat makes a crown?**i have always been fascinated by the negative space stars with letters make.**This would make a cool t shirt graphic but for a logo, i would prefer this to be the word mark, and only the two stars above the word.**either way it caught my eye, v.nice work.

bogglins Aug. 12 '07

what will it be with more star in the middle..


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