by serhos • Uploaded: Jun. 29 '10 - Gallerized: Dec. '11
Logo for handmade magic. These russian words in logo mean For You!
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Love the detail in the letters!
Replykryt' :)
ReplyAlan, Todd, Ivan, Bronte thank you for appreciation guys!
ReplySweet! Love the dynamic and rhythm. I wonder what a little space between the words would do...
ReplyThis is pretty cool.
ReplyThis is so beautiful, congrats!
ReplyCool' (:
ReplyThank you Julian! You're absolutely right%3D) A little space between the words would do something interesting, harmonious and solid)
ReplyThank you Milosz, Alex%3D)
ReplyThanks Nikita%3D) It's the same word that I can tell about your works COOL%3B)
ReplyEvery letter flows just right into the next one, really nice!
Replyura,eto nam :) nice type work
ReplyThank you Java!
ReplyVam, Nastich? Vam, eto komu?
ReplyAmazing flow!! Great work!!
Replyeto potrjasno!
ReplyEta prekrasnaja rabota! %3B)
ReplyGreat work!
ReplyNice type. I like the bristle effect you've added.
ReplySerezha proshelsya kovannimy calligraphicheskimi sapogami po Galleree Logoponda)
Replyfresh type!
ReplySkolko stoyat Vashi yslugi po sozdaniy logotipa?*
ReplySeemes I missed my work being placed on the gallery:) Thank you all for your kind words and comments!**NikolayNikolay: Ya ne obsujdaju takie voprosi publichno.
ReplyAnd I miss it NOT being in the gallery. glad its here! :D
ReplyOh.. such a vibrant typo :)**
ReplyI'm very happy for you, congrats Sergey!
ReplyWohoo! Congratulations Sergey!
ReplyGratz buddy! LogoPond is happy to have you around!
ReplyCongrats... a true legend...
ReplyCongrats Sergey!
ReplyMy many many thanks to all of you!
ReplyCongrats bud!!! Keep up the great work :)
ReplyCongrats, Sergey!
ReplySerega, prisoedin'aus' k pozdravleni'am!:)
ReplyAbout time Serg, congrats bud!
ReplyFinally. One of the best showcases IMO. Congrats Serhos!
ReplySergey... ya big design stud. great feature, bud. WELL DESERVED!*Congrats, congrats, congrats. :D
ReplyHigh five!
ReplyCongrats Sergey! Well deserved indeed.*:)
Replycongrat! well deserve
ReplyBravo%7E Nice to see such a Script Typographer Featured.
Replybig congrats to you sergey.
Replyyes mate! big congrats. huge fan of your free flowing brilliance! inspirational stuff.
ReplyGreat to see you featured here Sergey, your work is absolutely amazing! congratz!
ReplyOh yeaaahhh! You've taken type to a whole new level.
ReplyCongrats!*it should have been a long time ))
ReplyWell deserved! Unique designer :)
ReplySooo well deserved!! Congrats Sergey!
ReplyBravo Sergey! It was only a matter of time.
ReplyAlways a great inspiration, congratulations!
ReplyAnother very well-deserved Feature! Many congrats to you, Sergey! Your beautifully handwritten, calligraphic scripts are top shelf, and inspire myself and probably countless designers around the world. But some may only know you as a type guy. While I know you're focused primarily on type these days, what many people may not know is that you're a brilliant *all around* artist, and your earlier, more illustrative marks are every bit as fantastic as your type work. This Feature is great, because hopefully, people who don't know that about you will really understand just how well-rounded you are.
ReplyYeah, well deserved. Congrats Serg! :)
ReplySpasibo! :D
ReplyHey all, thanks again for your kindest words and appreciations, it's really means a lot!**@atomicvibe Thank you for your warmest words, I appreciate it much!
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