by sbj • Uploaded: Mar. 25 '10


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Description: logo for NGO working for education n empowerment of women in villages, here in India. comments welcome font updated..
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 3971

Lets Discuss

nitish.b Mar. 25 '10

weird tag line...but nice illy

sbj Mar. 25 '10

thanks guys*@nitish this version has original clients line.. other version hav mine line for pond... :)*

kathariney Mar. 25 '10

sbj, on the thumb, I thought it's some strange animal's mouth opened... But up close, I find the mark very pretty and elegant. Like it a lot. Maybe a replace the white with something tinted? Or a different treatment with the red?

sbj Mar. 25 '10

lol!*thanks kath for cuming till here... i will sure try ur suggestions..

nitish.b Mar. 25 '10

%5E%5E%5Ekath and sbj...i ges the representation of the mark is very much groundered in the rural indian sorabh i dont think u need to change anythin...rather work on the type to make it more rural...imo

kathariney Mar. 25 '10

this new type fits better IMO, but do you think it may look better if R isn't stepping on A's toe?**btw, I actually love that rich red (my recent fav.) I just can't help but seeing the white profile as some animal's sparkling white teeth....

skeermes Sep. 07 '10

I like the illustration a lot! I did have to look twice though, to see that it's not a mouth with teeth and tongue sticking out.

saawan Sep. 07 '10

Love the mark but I'm not sold on using Diavlo. Given the curviness of the illustration, a more rounder typeface would fit, IMO

sbj Sep. 07 '10

thanks skeermes n sawan..*yess it might be more clear concept for people who know India well %26 it for an Indian NGO.*%26 sawan- its still not final yet they r not responded yet.. i will change it for sure :)


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