by pausedsn • Uploaded: Aug. 16 '11
My new personal logo. I am very pleased with the result.
Client work
Lets Discuss
simply great - like it
ReplyThank you :)
ReplyThank you for comment. **I will use mark more then whole logo. You can check explanation here %3E
Replyyeah i think this works. i like your reasoning.
ReplyColin and Alexandre, thank you guys!
ReplyHvala drugar!
Replyalways love your simple yet complex style!
ReplyWoW. Thank you, appreciate that!
ReplyC O N G R A T S well deserved !!
ReplyGood to see you featured. Congrats one more time, man.
Replycongrats man
ReplyCONGRATS, Jovan!
ReplyCongrats on the feature :)
ReplyJovan! Jovan! Jovan! No need to pause to view this great folio!
Replycongrats on the feature :)
ReplyCongrats :)
ReplyCongrats!, Jovan
ReplyDude...:) Congrats!
ReplyCestitam covece ;)
ReplyCongratulations! Great works Jovan!
ReplyWelcome to that club Jay-P! :)
ReplyCestitam majstore!
ReplyBig congrats mr.Pause!:)
ReplySamo naprijed!
Congrats on the feature! Well deserved!
ReplyCongratulation, Jovan!
ReplyYes, congrats, Jovan! Good stuff!
ReplyAs I said on Twitter this was a big surprise for me. I am very honored to be in the company of such logo designers. This is a great site and I have to be honest and say - thank you David for all the hard work you put into this great logo design site. Many of us are eternally grateful to you for that.
ReplyDear fellow designers I would like to thank you all for the kind words you wrote here. I appreciate it.
Bravo, bravo!
ReplyDa da da Bravo!
ReplyCongrats Jovan! Nice work.
Replywhat font did you use ?
Reply@vld - Hvala puno Vladimire!
Reply@CA - Thanks dude.
@Jeffrey - I'm doing my best. Thank you!
@Alex - It is LFT Etica font.
never officially congratulated you on the feature, jovan. so here you go...CONGRATS! BRAVO! TIP OF THE HAT!
ReplyThank you bro! You know how I love the official congratulation.. hehe
ReplyCongrats, Jovan, really great to see you featured!
ReplyAppreciate the kind words. It means a lot to me!
ReplyCestitke (sa zakasnjenjem :))
ReplyNikad nije kasno druze. Fala!
ReplyJovan, I've been so busy with the purchase of my home and with planning my wedding that your Feature totally slipped by me. I'm sorry, man. So consider this my formal congratulations!
ReplyNo need for apology Jon. Enjoy in marriage and in the new house :)
Replysimply great design
ReplySimply great - thank you!
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