by myway999 • Uploaded: Jun. 25 '10
ambigram, custom type.
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Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Using the u/n and h/y letters is sort of an easy way out when designing an ambigram. Also, the word seems to be made up just for this instance. Not trying to bash you, but I think you can do better.
Reply%5E I agree with Kev.
Replylol, thanks for comments and lookin up.*@ocularink: lol. yes, sire, it's my first ambigram, so no great expectations from this one. definitely, i can do better, the next ones will be different.*@milou: right again, thanks.
Reply@thisguy: :))
Replydude, in Russian it is obscene word :)
Reply%5E lol!!
Reply%5EHaha Justin, me too...
Reply%5E I think it means the genital of a woman or man %3B)**I'm not sure since I was only for 5 Years in Russia as a Kid.
ReplyAnalogical to polish language I think I know what it could possibly mean, and it's obscene word indeed : D
Replyin our language it comes from the obscene names male sexual organ. That word can be named anything. It is in this form of the word - a verb. Talking about the sudden movement of something :D
Reply@AlexWende: close:p*@milou: not quite obscene, it's full of meanings...*@bigoodis: you are pretty smart- it's subtle and it is an ambigram:)))))))))))), an ambigram of itself maybe lol.*@thisGuy: lol, yes it is my first one. now i think that i might have started in the wrong direction with the ambigrams:)) is available. you can buy this domain and the logo.*i can sell this beauty logo for the symbolic sum of 1%24 - Steve Jobs' salary for 1 year... :)) - .ai native cs5 format!!!! no kiddin'
ReplyMoreover %22xujnj%E1%22: is a noun and means crap :D*Don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to explain what's so funny about it! lol
Replythanks ru_ferret:) i am enjoying it too. lol
Reply%5E I know it cam mean a lot I was just according to the previous posts, don't get me wrong (:
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