Kosta Mijic

by kosta • Uploaded: May. 04 '07


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Description: my own identity :)
As seen on: logo design portfolio
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9987

Lets Discuss

bogdanv May. 04 '07

Did you thought about adding some kind of vertical line before this, so you can read the ''K%22. Because if I wouldn%60t have read that your name is Kosta, I would%60t have thought right away that this is a %22K%22. I like it but I think is somehow incomplete. Just my sincere opinion, hope you don%60t mind!

kosta May. 04 '07

Of course I don't mind :) Thank you for your comment.**The reason is that I wanted to keep it as simple as possible, and also abstract, so readability of the icon wasn't the primary goal.**It may evolve %3B) Thanks.

nido May. 04 '07

i like this the way it is! probably also i know what it stands for but even if i didnt, as a mark its very nice! why is the 'k' broken in the middle though?

kosta May. 04 '07

accidentaly :( I need to fix that.**Thanks for notifying me!

nido May. 04 '07

dont let it happen again%3E(

dache May. 04 '07

I have always liked your logo Kosta

kosta May. 04 '07

Same goes to you David! Thankee :)

OcularInk May. 04 '07

Great showcase, Kosta!! Your work is inspiring.

conceived May. 05 '07

I like your work a lot. Though your personal logo reminds me a lot of the logo in use by the Dutch airline Martinair ( http://www.museumofflight.org/Images/Uploads/Collections/Logos/martinair.jpg ).

nido May. 05 '07

LOL**'great minds...'

OcularInk May. 05 '07

nido said:**LOL**'great minds...'**WORD!

MacPela May. 05 '07

I like your work, Kosta!

kosta May. 06 '07

%22http://www.museumofflight.org/Images/Uploads/Collections/Logos/martinair.jpg%22**Wow... Sometimes, it seems to me that it is impossible to make a very simple mark that is unique :( **(http://images.google.com/images?sourceid%3Dnavclient-ff%26ie%3DUTF-8%26rls%3DGGGL,GGGL:2006-41,GGGL:en%26q%3Dmk logo) **Thanks guys/gals.

KGB May. 08 '07

It needs some type. I see the KM but I think it needs to say Kosta Mijic somewhere to be a logo.

kosta May. 08 '07

Of course :)*For now I use lowercase 'kostamijic' in DIN (regular or medium) with it, but I haven't yet settled on a definite typeface. So I only showed the monogram here (I do often use it without my name).**Thanks for the comment.

mediajox May. 08 '07

I wouldn't change it at all. The fact that there was no type and that it didn't look like a word is what drew me in. I thought, %22Hey, that looks pretty cool, what is it?%22 Which probably wouldn't be a great response if you were selling product, but you are selling you as a designer and therefore the abstract makes it work. Nice logo.

kosta May. 09 '07

Thank you Steve. That is exactly the kind of message I am trying to convey.**(yet of course, there are many situations where I have to put my name somewhere)

AL May. 09 '07

http://www.kwsa.pl%0D*%0D*You have to be aware if the shape of your logo is simple :)

bpotstra May. 09 '07

In this day and age, and with the widespread technology we have access to, some logo designs are bound to be similar. Either way, I really enjoy opening the logopond homepage and being greeted with this fantastic mark!**- Brian

kosta May. 10 '07

Thank you for your kind words Brian .*Yes, Aleksander, I am aware that this might be a bit too simple. Though it is not identical to the example you provided, thank you very much for letting me know about it.*

apostol May. 12 '07

I've seen this logo on an aircraft on Amsterdam Airport. It looks exactly like this, only red. KM stood for some initials, forgot what they were exactly.

teamcoltra May. 12 '07

I dig it... simple as that.*apostol, if you read the thing about the red km has already been mentioned. *:) great Minds Think Alike

sonja May. 15 '07

Caos Kosta, super je!%0D*I like it a lot, it has potential for awesome branding and applications

kosta May. 16 '07

Thank you Sonja :) (hvala!)

SONJA May. 16 '07

nema na cemu kosta, jesi li ti iz beograda? imali dobrih design studios u beogradu, idem sledece godine, pa mozda ostanem tamo duze.

kosta May. 17 '07

Sonja: please contact me using contact info on www.kostam.com/info for private conversation. Thanks! :)

nido May. 17 '07

go kosta go kosta go kosta lol

kosta May. 17 '07

Nido: not sure I understand what you are trying to say :)

talldesigner Sep. 18 '07

Its looks like the logo of: www.martinair.com

logoholik Sep. 18 '07

It looks like a logo of... kosta mijic, a well known graphic designer from serbia :)**Well done Kosta.

OcularInk Sep. 18 '07

@ talldesigner: You might want to read a little further up. Geeeeezzzzz!!

kosta Oct. 07 '07

@logoholik:**haha, thanks :) that's really sweet of you...


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