
by kosta • Uploaded: Jun. 29 '10


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Description: "Despot" in Serbian is similar to "King". The client asked for a "clever" logo. Work in progress, comments appreciated.
As seen on: logo design portfolio
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 3066

Lets Discuss

raja Jun. 29 '10

that is clever...hope the are liking the concept**at thumbs view I thought this was going to say 'smile wine' haha

AlexWende Jun. 29 '10

I really like the mark, not sure about the typography for %22DESPOTIKA%22. Maybe looking good on a wine label but the lines are distracting, imho.

kosta Jun. 29 '10

lol @ Raja, these would make beautiful teeth indeed :) Thanks for the comment, the client likes it, we're in layout/type variations phase.**Alex, thanks for the comment. I too am not sure about typography, but had to choose from the few typefaces that have proper Cyrillic versions (that are not Russian and that are as similar as possible to their Latin version). Still searching...**Justin, thanks for the comment. Initially I tried that, but it turned out that glasses in negative space look weird. Good observation though.

kosta Jun. 29 '10

Out of curiosity, what do you spot first - crown, bottles or glasses?

OcularInk Jun. 29 '10

This is nice. The lines and enclosure only add to making the logo more memorable and unique. The type, in my opinion, fits perfectly. The only thing I might do is close up the space a little bit underneath the mark. P.S. Saw the bottles first.

mfrank Jun. 29 '10

Bottles then the glasses..didn't see the crown until it was mentioned. I agree with OC to make the height of the green box underneath the mark a hair smaller.

itsgareth Jun. 29 '10

Great concept, but not sure on the colours. The white for the bottles gives a dairy/milk vibe in my opinion.

kosta Jun. 29 '10

Thanks for the comments guys. I posted revisions based on your suggestions:**mark:*layout:**Definitely not working well in negative because of the milk vibe... Didn't notice before.

mfrank Jun. 29 '10

I prefer this layout over the other. Also prefer the maroon color.

OcularInk Jun. 30 '10

%5E %5E Me too. :-)

kosta Jun. 30 '10

Clients reaction was completely opposite regarding layout. Could have guessed...**Thanks people :)


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