Bluebird Tree Care

by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Sep. 23 '15 - Gallerized: Sep. '15


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Description: Logo WIP for a friend of mine that is a arborist. This is one of a couple I am presenting, but I think this is the strongest so hope he choses it.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 15375
Tags: garden organic arborist branches

Lets Discuss

Mikeymike Sep. 24 '15

Thank you Bojan, Sam and Mario, really appreciate the kind words.
And a big THANKS to whomever place this into the gallery.

ru_ferret Sep. 24 '15

Is it necessary to bend the name, Mikey?

logoholik Sep. 24 '15

I am with Nikita - something feels strange regarding bending script letters (especially with capital B) Mikey... even though you almost made it work :) clap, clap :)

camisa15 Sep. 24 '15

wdkjfskdfsklvdlskvnldknsldknvdlvnldkfnvdlf :o

Mikeymike Sep. 24 '15

Nikita and Bojan, I placed another sample of the design without the curved type. I guess when I was reviewing the two, the curved type gave the design a little more character and uniqueness to the overall design for me. check it and see.
camisa15 and mistershot thanks or the comments.

ru_ferret Sep. 24 '15

It looks good to me! It would be super cool if you make it a bit lighter as you posted on dribbble.

chanpion Sep. 24 '15

What a beauty Mike! I think your client would be blown away by this. Its great to see the 'Unilever' style executed differently. It just makes sense and not forced in this regard.
With the curve, I don't mind it. Like Bojan said, you pretty much pulled it off. But I would lessen the curve to keep that uniqueness. Well done mate!

Rudy Hurtado Sep. 25 '15

One of my faves from you Mike.

Mikeymike Sep. 25 '15

Nikita and Norm really love the feed back and I am trying different options, at this point I need to meet again with the client and see how this baby comes together. Thanks guys. I'm close I believe.
RedStar, thx.

Rudy, nice to hear. thanks, man.

tycoone Sep. 26 '15

Very Nice...cheers

palattecorner Sep. 27 '15

Clever negative space!

Mikeymike Sep. 28 '15

Chris, tycoone and palattecorner thanks for the comments. Appreciate them. cheers!

type and signs Oct. 15 '15

Hey Mike - check this out -

rudy hurtado Oct. 16 '15

Mike and Bernd, I went to that link but it says that page cannot be found, did they deleted it because it was a plagiarism? and who deletes the pages in Behance, the site itself?
I wish I saw the page myself.

type and signs Oct. 17 '15

Hi Rudy, massive pressure I thing - three projects - as far as I realized all stolen logos. Hope you are fine !

rudy hurtado Oct. 20 '15

Hey Bernd, I figured once I couldn't find the page anymore, why do people keep doing that is beyond me but I'm glad we have each other to keep an eye on things.
I'm doing well thanks, working on long projects though and takes time away from other things, I hope you guys are doing well and busy as always.

Mikeymike Oct. 20 '15

Bernd, Bojan and Rudy sorry I missed your comments.
But as Bernd mentioned already it was pressure from a few different designers that made it come down.
Bernd< I saw your post on the site just before it came down, so BIG thanks bud.
Rudy, I so agree with you on the fact that it does take a group of us designers to keep a watchful eye out for these low lifes that keep ripping of us designers.
Lets keep it up and all have a watchful eye.
Thanks for all the peeps that let me know this was up.
I know there were a few other designers that mentioned the same guy had some of their designs up also and I beleive they are down too.
nice job. cheers all.


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