by dbunk • Uploaded: May. 24 '09
Joinin' the B[r]andWagon :)
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I got a kick outta the name!
Replygood name, good wagon, good brand, bad font choice.
ReplyYea Rob wats your brand**Trish agreed but just wanned to have a font that would resemble the barcodes itself. Guess i compromised on the readability ..
Replyyup, there the type is changed !
ReplyI like the idea, but the truck bugs me a little%3B the window is huge! I would play with different ways to illustrate the truck. And I like the typeface, but maybe bring it down a little from the illustration - they seem to close. Oh, and I would try justifying the type with the truck. Good work!
Replyperked up
Replyme likey :)
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