
by dbunk • Uploaded: Mar. 27 '09


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Description: dbunk is short of DesignBUNK, and is my personal logo. The logo is made of the letter "U" rotated to form the word dbunk. "U" here refers to the client :)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1898

Lets Discuss

dbunk Mar. 27 '09

Appreciate constructive feedback that will help improve the mark

sdijock Mar. 27 '09

I see it now after your explanation. As cool as it looks it's just not that legible, but it was definitely a valiant effort. I think with some minor tweaks it could be fine - I don't think it's a complete redo by any means.**FYI - the %22U%22 in the middle looks like it needs to shift down slightly.

dbunk Mar. 27 '09

Thank you sdijock, appreciate your support and inputs. You and Toni have in a way guided me in makin the right move in the wikipedia look alike project if you remember. Good for me I backed off. As far as this logo is concerned, I understand that some tweak is required to highlight the concept %5BTats y i chose the difference in colour, all the %22U's%22 are in Red.%5D Regarding the alignment of the center %22U%22, guess its an illusion caused by the rounded corners of the letter, will try to fix tat up. Thanks for your time once again..*

dbunk Mar. 29 '09

Anyone else would like provide some constructive feedback...

JulieK Mar. 29 '09

hum i really like it, a lot. The %7C between the d/b and n/k look off, im not sure why though. and even if it's to point out the stem of the d, b and make that last letter look more like a k than a c, it doesn't work that well unless you know it's dbunk before hand...just how i see it is all but i love the idea of rotating the u's :)

dbunk Mar. 29 '09

Thanks Julie for your input. Good point on the K and C stuff, I have been toiling all the way to get this far with my logo. I love the concept too %5Ba lot%5D hope to make it more functional in the future.

JohnM Jun. 24 '09

i think its very clever work...just used two shapes to create the whole logo...

dbunk Jun. 25 '09

Yea i kinda have a thing for sucha style :)

TernaciousT Jul. 26 '09

I think the alignment of the %22U's%22 and the %22I's%22 centrally makes the d %26 b hard to make out at a glance, if you align the %22U's%22 to the bottom of the black %22I's%22 then the 'dbunk' stands out more. U could then chop off the top of of the %22I's%22 a little and the 'dbunk' would be a lot clearer. Nice idea.

dbunk Jul. 27 '09

Terry I had tried wat you suggested, %5Bhttp://logopond.com/gallery/detail/72199%5D but scrapped it coz I felt that it lacked horizontal balance, probably being unreasonably nitpicky as is my personal logo :)

TernaciousT Jul. 27 '09

ok, thats exactly how I visualised it. Hey, the new version still looks Vgood!

dbunk Jul. 27 '09

:) you think so. am not sure as yet :I

oski Sep. 03 '09

Very well executed!


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