The v5 Group

by dbunk • Uploaded: Apr. 13 '09


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Description: The v5 Group is an independent record label that will be exclusively marketing its stable of outstanding recording artists online. It has a major presence on social networks and will be selling music and CDs. The logo is a wordplay of V and 5
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2722

Lets Discuss

dbunk Apr. 13 '09

Do you see v and 5

logomotive Nov. 08 '09

So is this the V5 you were talking about when referring to my SureFive logo? I just read your comment and looked for it.**I think it could be simplified and improved. Maybe just a 5 and in counter have record with a v (the shine).

dbunk Nov. 09 '09

Thanks Mike, Tats a good idea too, but the client is very pleased with the way it is now :)


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