by dbunk • Uploaded: Apr. 28 '09
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nice :)
Feels good to hear it from an Italian :)
Excellent (from a French %3B)
whoelse, wherelse...??? :)
c'est bon! (from a Tennessean)
Hope c'est bon! means its good.....guessin from bon appetite %3B)
whoa! This one and the twitsent are your best work IMO!
Hey Thanks
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nice :)
ReplyFeels good to hear it from an Italian :)
ReplyExcellent (from a French %3B)
Replywhoelse, wherelse...??? :)
Replyc'est bon! (from a Tennessean)
ReplyHope c'est bon! means its good.....guessin from bon appetite %3B)
Replywhoa! This one and the twitsent are your best work IMO!
ReplyHey Thanks
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