by contrast8 • Uploaded: Mar. 21 '10
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very holik..?
collor similar, noticed just now:)
as well the motion... :)
i dont know, inspiration was cartoons characters eyebrows with sharp edges, as client wanted.
these r more looks like callouts than eyebrows..
I'd be cautious of the negative space in this one. Very close to the shape of a swastika.
svastika is solar simbol, it can't be assigned just to nazzis. IMO
%5E but it is
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very holik..?
Replycollor similar, noticed just now:)
Replyas well the motion... :)
Replyi dont know, inspiration was cartoons characters eyebrows with sharp edges, as client wanted.
Replythese r more looks like callouts than eyebrows..
ReplyI'd be cautious of the negative space in this one. Very close to the shape of a swastika.
Replysvastika is solar simbol, it can't be assigned just to nazzis. IMO
Reply%5E but it is
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