
by broman • Uploaded: Jul. 12 '19


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Description: Tasked with promoting advertisements for a fictitious company called "Fuzzy Dice" for the 4th Armored "Hammerheads" (173rd Air Gaming). Briefings with the community leaders left it wide open for the logo and branding with the desire to keep it simple. "Fuzzy Dice" being a reference to automotive accessories, thus so was the instinct to go in that creative direction. Added a modern spice to compliment the theme of [4ARM]'s videos and the fictional universe they reference. A very tongue-in-cheek fun side project. The dot for the snake eye "i" in "Dice" is static while the lower-left dice element below the word "Fuzzy" is dynamic and may change with the vibrant, two-tone color gradient. The logo and its variations is designed to be adaptable and used in many fashions. Think chameleon: content and context influences the mood, rather than having an emblem that is never-changing. Although the shape and pattern never changes, the color is able to set the tone.
As seen on: 173rd Air Gaming
Status: Client work
Viewed: 519
Tags: square grid checker advertisement

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