Juan Gestal v4b

by azdesign • Uploaded: Dec. 20 '10 - Gallerized: Dec. '10


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Description: Variation of this one http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/123881
As seen on: http://www.andreazeman.com/
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 21485

Lets Discuss

myway999 Dec. 20 '10

nice piece of work!

sbj Dec. 20 '10

its fantastic..

R-IC Dec. 21 '10

Very nice! Is this a custom type?

milou Dec. 21 '10

Nice style buddy.

azdesign Dec. 21 '10

Thanks for the comments and floats guys! :D I like this version also, but I don't think that's the style my client would go for.* @R-IC It'sa tweaked Hand of Sean typeface

Rokac Dec. 21 '10

Yeah, really nice work Andrea.

bitencourt Dec. 21 '10

I'd develop a proposal for an iphone application that is exactly the same concept :D an Iphone instead a camera. :/

azdesign Dec. 21 '10

Can you provide a link please? Is it in use?

bitencourt Dec. 21 '10

I will upload it later. But its a rejected proposal.The idea is somewhat similar (finger frames making an Iphone device), but as I said, it's an iphone application and its for children's, colorful, funny. :)

azdesign Dec. 21 '10

Oh I see. I guess there won't be any problems then. I still haven't sent my proposals to client so we'll see which one he chooses.*Looking forward seeing your logo Breno!

azdesign Dec. 21 '10

Wow gallery spot! That was fast :)* Thank you!!

ethereal Dec. 21 '10

Great Andrea, love the style!

azdesign Dec. 21 '10

Raoul, ethereal - thanks a bunch guys!

Myob Dec. 21 '10

%22Lubly%22 (: !!

mh Dec. 21 '10

really nice work :)

Pierro Dec. 21 '10

Hmmm...Why is happening in Logopond? the rules have changed?

azdesign Dec. 21 '10

Why? What do you mean Pierro?

Impact Visual Dec. 21 '10

Love it! I think the outline around the hands works well with the font you chose.

Logomotive Dec. 21 '10

I can see where Pierro is coming from. This concept has been doe to death.

bitencourt Dec. 21 '10

I think the concept is somewhat similar, but beyond the execution is completely different, I had not seen this work, and had not posted mine too. Pure coincidence. I agree with Lane, it's hard you do something completely original. Btw, no problem at all. Great work, mate!

ethereal Dec. 21 '10

I floated this because I like the execution and style, which is very nicely done, but the idea itself has been to death, as Mike said. I guess even though it appears about everything in the world has been done it's always best to try and steer clear of the obvious if possible and try to land on something unique. Depending on the scenario I still like to recognize something if it's done really well, even if the general premise of the concept has been done.

alexanderspliid Dec. 21 '10

%5E Couldn't have said it better myself!

bitencourt Dec. 21 '10

Mike, my client said the same about my device concept haha :D

Pierro Dec. 22 '10

If the idea is to provide a local site, why we have had several cases plagiarism? Changing the work of others is very simple, add text and change the color on work isn't the idea, upon notice.

azdesign Dec. 22 '10

If you're talking about simmilarity beetwen Breno's and my concept read comments above. He made it around the same time as I and didn't post it anywhere. So there's no way I could see it.**Thanks for your posts and thoughts guys!

Pierro Dec. 22 '10

Similarity?! Isn't debatable, good luck.

cresk Dec. 27 '10

Beautiful style.

jippy rinaldi Feb. 08 '11

Beautiful style indeed!! Nice work


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