by azdesign • Uploaded: Dec. 15 '10
Deleted previous logo by accident :(
Wanted to implement yeti figure with a snow mountain. I removed gradient from the board and tweaked left arm a bit. Comments and suggestions welcome as always :)
Nothing set
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really nice beast %3B)
ReplyThanks valbo!
Replyalways loved this one dude, and one of my faves :). CHEERS
ReplyCheers mavric :) Thanks for the float :)
ReplyI remember this had a lot of floats? Was it in the gallery too? I really dig the %22little%22 man.
ReplyFloated again %3B)
Replysame here...thought i floated this long ago. anyways, it still gets my float. :D
ReplyFloated, and commented again as this is your big work, too bad that you've lost the other one, I remember too that it had a tons of floats... :(
ReplyYes it had and it was. Then one night I accidentaly deleted it while I was trying to edit it :P It was obvious to challenging work for me in that hour. Thanks for your floats and comments ..again :D
Replyfloated again. so nice and creatively fresh.belonged in the gallery. :)
ReplyYeti strikes back. :D
ReplyYeah just got down town, straight from mountain :D
ReplyU gona master the halfpipes with that one! %3B) I'm loving it!
ReplyHaha! Cheers!
ReplyThanks sbj :)
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