
by awsturm • Uploaded: Jan. 07 '10


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Description: This logo was inspired by another on this site, though I can't for the life of me find the link right now. Let me know what you think!
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 1502

Lets Discuss

Thrasher317 Jan. 07 '10

Your cross is a tad thicker than everything else.

njschro Jan. 07 '10

I think the cross is thicker because it is a Christian organization of some sort... Not absolutely sure though, I can't find a link to the org.

JF Jan. 08 '10

First, it looks mighty similar to logomotive's logo. Whether that's an issue or not for him, it's up to him to comment on. Also, there's no need to make the cross-shape thicker than the rest of the letters/forms used in the type. The fact that it exists there is good enough, and should retain a subtlety...not a 'BAM!' type of look to it. Right now, it just looks out of balance. Might want to try a different style with this type regardless%3B in my opinion, it's a good attempt at highlighting the cross with a new kind of type...but it's not a good fit. Good luck with it.

awsturm Jan. 08 '10

Yes, that's it! Thank you logomotive. I'll take this down if you want, but your logo was definitely the inspiration behind this design. Thank you for the inspiring original.


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