Human Genomics Initiative

by atomicvibe • Uploaded: Jul. 18 '11 - Gallerized: Dec. '13


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Description: Just for fun. The icon is derived from rejected client work. The stacked figures started to look like a double helix to me, so I thought it would be neat to develop a mark for a fictions human genomics program. The type is a modified Miso, and the combined Is are made to represent a chromosome map.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 10151

Lets Discuss

atomicvibe Jul. 18 '11

Thanks for the nice comment, Sam! And thank you guys for the quick floats!

THEArtistT Jul. 18 '11

You have a logo and a graphic here to my eye. There is a disconnect between the double helix/people graphic and the text with chromosome chain. They differ in style and feel. Both are great, however. I feel, though, they would be better separate?

lumavine Jul. 18 '11

Very cool idea! I think it would work really well without the green helix, and just focus on the sequence. Great work!

atomicvibe Jul. 18 '11

Thanks for the comments, guys. I really appreciate the feedback. Yeah, I was wrestling with the same issues. I love what I've done with the icon, and I also love what I've done with the type. But I can see how perhaps the two don't need to go together, or perhaps there is a stylistic disconnect working against the two components. I may revise this two ways: 1) develop a more harmonious type solution for this lockup that is a bit less stylized (allowing the icon to take center stage)%3B 2) really push the type solution I have here sans icon.

oscarcuriel Oct. 04 '12

Love the work


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