
by Wizemark • Uploaded: Sep. 11 '09


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Description: My personal identity.
As seen on: www.wizemark.com
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6886

Lets Discuss

wizemark Jul. 02 '10

I guess that i%60ve red flagged this one cuz i didn%60t wanted to hear how w%60s are being replaced with the crowns in a past.. :p now it seems kinda off to be red flagged.. thanks again on the feature.. cheers!

Lecart Jul. 02 '10

hey man, w%60s were replaced with the crown in the past.**jk*congrats!

ethereal Jul. 02 '10

Congrats, brother, well deserved and am a fan!

wizemark Jul. 04 '10

Thanks a lot, guys!*lol@Stelian

zka Jul. 11 '10

:) your site is in my bookmarks, love your work man

wizemark Jul. 14 '10

%5EThat%60s really flattering. I appreciate it. :)

birofunk Jul. 14 '10

congrats, well deserved. Anyone who could take on that logo a day project and come out with unique %26 creative concepts day in, day out deserves to be here.

JF Jul. 14 '10

Completely agree w/birofunk. The level of creativity displayed on a daily basis is impressive. True talent.

zephyr Jul. 17 '10

Congratulations Srdjan! Big fan of your style! Keep rockin' it!

andreiu Jul. 17 '10

congrats for the spot. it's being well deserved, Srdjan!

wizemark Jul. 19 '10

Thanks Gareth, Niall, JF, Fred %26 Andrei! Means a lot!

hyperborea Jul. 19 '10

Congrats from me too.*Great showcase!

brandsimplicity Jul. 19 '10

Great to see your name in lights bro!

nido Sep. 07 '10

why does it say wi(seven)emark?...

wizemark Sep. 07 '10

Thanks, Alen.*nido, one guy approached me some time ago to do some work for him and asked me the same question, but after i%60ve accepted the project. After that i%60ve made an excuse and told him that i actually can not accept the project, so he never really made into my clients list. At the time while i was working on my logo, several guys that i really respect a lot told me that some people might not be able to read it right, but i%60ve decided to keep it as is and not to work with those people that can not read it. I hope that tone of this answer matches the tone of your question.

nido Sep. 07 '10

tone is something one applies to text.. it's an individual thing... i have not applied tone to either.. simply a question.. and an... %22answer%22**_%22but i%60ve decided to keep it as is and not to work with those people that cannot read it%22_**really?... so if someone likes your work and really wants a design from you.. but.. cannot read your logo you will decline working with them?... thats a bit.. redundant, no?*

firebrand Sep. 07 '10

Wow Srdjan you are in an enviable position if you can turn down clients for that reason.

wizemark Sep. 07 '10

If someone actually read it as wi-seven-emark, than, i%60m sure, that has to be quite a special character and most likely a very tough person to work with, that will ask me to send stationary files as a word documents, and word documents only, eventually all in just black, that will complain how sending money to the email address isn%60t possible (provided paypal address), that will make my explaining and selling concepts 10 times harder, that will try to add one 0 after the revisions number that we agreed in a first place, that will ask its 15 y.o. nephew for a opinion and based on that, change its mind and/or provide a feedback and so on. All that aside, there%60s a sweet chance that we%60ll end up with some crappy design not even worth of showing. I think that%60s the rough profile. So yes, i%60d say no and wish him/her luck.*Roy, it doesn%60t happen that often at all. So, people either read it, either don%60t bother with it, i guess.

Chad Sanderson Sep. 07 '10

Well, Nido is a pretty pro designer and he asked about it. Maybe some people just have a general interest. But do what you do, I suppose.

raja Sep. 07 '10

with that logic, Chad, and I would never get work!**congratz wi7mark

wizemark Sep. 08 '10

%5E u%60r damn right. :) **I think that you, guys, have taken this in a wrong way. I mean, i don%60t have %22what do you like/dislike about my logo?%22 question in a questionnaire (which might be an interesting idea to test out) :). I%60m just saying from my own experience what type of people reads it literally like that. Look at it as a my own way to filter the clients. That%60s all.**Peace.*

itsgareth Jan. 01 '11

Hey dude, what's your email?

lumavine Jan. 09 '11

Hah, reminds me of this: http://westsideunlimited.com**I see those trucks driving on the highways around here a lot. **Nice work, and good luck with those tough clients!

wizemark Jan. 09 '11

%5Enice to hear that you think on me every time you see that truck..it%60s not logomotive, but it%60s still a truck..

logomotive Aug. 06 '14

Wizemark. I have always admired your work. You are incredible. One of my favorite designers.Never been a fan of this one though. Would love to see you come up with something better. I know how it is. I struggled for years for my own logo.


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