Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation

by VERG • Uploaded: Aug. 16 '10


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Description: An inspirational motivational speaker, i designed this logo for Perry for his spinal research foundation. The icon is meant to represent the spinal nerves crossing and weaving. The green cross represents his surname which has always been part of his brandmark.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3154

Lets Discuss

patriciape Aug. 17 '10

i like the dynamic of this, im not sure if the mark is to high

VERGad Aug. 17 '10

The actual logo that got approved had the icon horizontal. They also had all the copy the same size on one line which i didn't like.

Rokac Aug. 17 '10

Very interesting and eye catching mark.

thomas Aug. 20 '10

Good work even if I'm clearly not convinced by this layout...

VERGad Aug. 20 '10

Thanks Rokac and Thomas. Thomas, i'm happy for you to elaborate on the layout and suggest your thoughts.

thomas Aug. 21 '10

First, mark is too big comparing to type. Black background... Not sure (makes me thinking to xbox, why not some green-blue like your avatar's background, plain and softer, or white and some %22medical%22 green)... Type's tracking is slightly too tight or type not enough condensed. Myriad is fine but you may try Myriad Condensed, slightly boder. Even if it talks about %22spinal%22, I'd have probably tried to put it horizontally, just above %22cross%22 or vertically as some kind of exponent of the text (Perry Cross%B2).

VERGad Aug. 21 '10

thanks for taking the time thom to throw me some feedback. I'll post the logo that got used, as mentioned earlier i didn't like it too much in the end and thought this was the stronger option. i'll also have a play around with your suggestions as i think they're all very valid.


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